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"Stand back!" roared the Colonel. "It was your fault; you trod " "Stand back, damn you! or you'll get hurt." The stick would have fallen on the Boy; he dodged it, calling excitedly, "Come here, Nig! Here!" "He's my dog, and I'll lamm him if I like. You " The Colonel couldn't see just where the Boy and the culprit were.

So Hannah and me, we wants you to drap everythink rite outen your hands and kum home to us. Wot you want is a plenty of good kuntre air and water, and nun o your stifeld up streets and pizen pumps. And plenty o good kuntre eetin and drinkin and nun o your sickly messes. So you kum. Hannah and me is got a fine caff and fat lamm to kill soon as ever you git here. And lots o young chickins and duks.

One end of the barricade abutted on the 'Golden Lamm. With the exception of the soldiers, the inn seemed to be deserted; and I wanted both food and lodging. The upper floor was full of JAGERS. The front windows over-looked the Bastei. These were now blocked with mattresses, to protect the men from bullets.

"Have you read what's written above the heading of it?" he asked. "No; what is it, J'rome?" Ozias put on his spectacles; Jerome pointed to a crabbed line above the heading of the mortgage deed. "I giv as present the forth part of my proputty, this morgidge to Ozier Lamm. "Simon Basset." "He's took crazy!" cried Ozias, staring wildly at it.

"Dog!" again ejaculated the Navajo, interrupting him; and the words hissed through his teeth, while his eyes glared with an expression of the fiercest malignity. "He! he!" cried Rube, at this moment galloping up; "he! he! that Injun's as savagerous as a meat axe. Lamm him! Warm his collops wi' the bull rope; he's warmed my old mar. Nick syrup him!"

But they finally made it up between em I didn't have no last name, and they'd jest call me Danny. Which they both done faithful ever after, as agreed. Old Hank, he was a blacksmith, and he used to lamm me considerable, him and his wife not having any kids of their own to lick. He lammed me when he was drunk, and he whaled me when he was sober.

"Now me an' Old-pot-head's son knowed well enuff we had to save the mail-sack, so I slips down the east pine a ways, an' breaks off dead branches, an' pelts them at the bear while the Injun crosses over into the top o' the west pine. Then we both at once slides down as low as we dares, an' I begins to lamm the brute with a shower o' sticks.

"But suppose 'it was me that was the unknown prince? Supposing it was me I've been talking about all the time? Supposing it was me that went away and came back in a gold coach and six horses, with a duke's daughter all over diamonds by my side, what would tha say?" "I think tha art nowt but a fool," said the elderly child of ten, "and, if mother heard thee, she'd lamm the life out of thee."

The only decent inn I knew of outside the walls was the 'Golden Lamm, on the suburb side of the Donau Canal, close to the Ferdinand bridge which faces the Rothen Thurm Thor. Here I entered, and found it occupied by a company of Nassau JAGERS. A barricade was thrown up across the street leading to the bridge. Behind it were two guns.

Say, Tom, let's go to work a-thinkin', an' see if there ain't some way to give dad a lift. Seems to me he's doin' everythin' for us all the whole time, an' we ain't doin' nothin' at all for him." "Oh, now, quit your preachin'," said the elder brother, contemptuously. "If you don't, I'll lamm you." The younger brother prudently lapsed into entire silence, and the couple soon reached home.