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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Funny, ain't it? Laff! Laff! But I'd wait till you hear something funnier I got to tell you. Funny, ain't it? Laff! Laff!" She looked up with her lips still sagging from merriment, but the dark red in her face darker. "Huh?" His bravado suddenly oozed and the clock ticked roundly into the silence between them. "Huh?" she repeated, cocking her head.

I ha'n't seen anything equal to it since the Worrld's Fairr." She spoke with a strong contortion of the Western r, and her sister hastened to put in: "I don't think it's to be compared with the Worrld's Fairr. But these German girls, here, just think it's great. It just does me good to laff at 'em, about it.

Yo' pa he sent a channelge to Mist' Vanrevel, an' Mist' Vanrevel 'fuse to fight him 'cause he say he don' b'lieve shootin' yo' pa goin' do yo' pa any good, an' he still got hope mekkin' good citizen outer him. Dat brung de laff on yo' pa ag'in; an' he 'clare to God ef he ketch Vanrevel on any groun' er hisn he shoot him like a mad dog. 'Pon my livin' soul he mean dem wuds, Missy!

Luke Todd was about to ask a question, but Peters, disregarding him, persisted: "Wa'al, Tobe tuk up the beastis, an' I reckon he reported her ter hisself, bein' the ranger the critter makes me laff an' he hed that thar old haffen-blind uncle o' his'n an' Perkins Bates, ez be never sober, ter appraise the vally o' the mare, an' I s'pose he delivered thar certificate ter hisself, an' I reckon he tuk oath that she kem 'thout his procuremint ter his place, in the presence o' the ranger."

You want to laff and see things happy all around you. Later you'll get so you see the other feller mostly thinks of himself, and don't care a hoot for the folks sitting around. Then you'll feel different; and you'll tell folks you don't like the things you feel about them." He went on writing, smiling at his own cynicism. Nancy leant back in her chair. His words left her unaffected.

Suddenly Ralph turned his face towards him in silent contemplation. He watched Nick's heavy hands with eyes that wore a troubled look. Then he abruptly broke the long silence. "Victor don't know as she's here," he said. Nick looked up, glanced round the room, shook his head, and bent over his work again. "No," he answered shortly. "Maybe he won't jest laff." "No."

Hunx, of Long Acre, put egsicution into my apartmince, and swep off every stick of my furniture. 'Wardrobe & furniture of a man of fashion. What an adwertisement George Robins DID make of it; and what a crowd was collected to laff at the prospick of my ruing!

I will illustrate: PRESENT FORM: through, laugh, highland. SIMPLIFIED FORM: thru, laff, hyland. To write the word "through," the pen has to make twenty-one strokes. To write the word "thru," then pen has to make twelve strokes a good saving. To write that same word with the phonographic alphabet, the pen has to make only THREE strokes.

Lewises front door. then we put a old hat on it and hung a peace of paper on it and wrote man wanted on the paper. tomorrow all the people who go to church will see it and laff becaus Mister Lewis got a devorse. they will be some fun tomorrow. Feb. 5. i coodent wright ennything last nite becaus i got sent to bed and got a licking. i tell you we got in a auful scrape.

Ye'll laff at me other folks did whenst I tell ye that ag'in an' ag'in I jes' cotch' myse'f cheerin' with the loudest. I could n't holp it." "He'll be 'lected, Justus?" she breathlessly inquired, and yet imperatively, as if, even though she asked, she would brook no denial. "Oh, they all say thar's no doubt no doubt at all." She drew a long breath of contentment, of pleasure.

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