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"You have a very grave reason for this?" she said. "Very, very grave; and I will tell you all presently." "I have never had reason to doubt you," said Mrs. Ward, "and I won't doubt you now. Does Maggie know of this?" "Yes oh yes; but please don't question her until I return." "Very well, dear; you shall have your way. Oh, you want Mrs. Martin's address. It is Laburnum Villa, Clapham."

Suddenly the young earl remembered that he was listening, and he started in horror from his seat. He pushed aside the clustering roses. At first he saw nothing but the golden blossoms of a drooping laburnum; then, a little further on, he saw a fair head bending over some fragrant flowers; then a face so beautiful, so perfect, that something like a cry of surprise came from Lord Airlie's lips.

His lordship hung his saw upon a rung of the ladder, and leaning a little over took a grasp of the bough of a sweeping laburnum which overhung the road. "My lord," said a quick, thin voice, which in its blending of the characteristics of youth and age matched strangely with the speaker's aspect, "this tenement and its surrounding grounds are my freehold.

"I want to tell you all about myself," she said. "I was really rude to you yesterday, and I am sorry; but I couldn't go to live with you and mother at Laburnum Villa. I will tell you the principal reason why I couldn't go." "Oh, come, come, you're only a child; you must do what you are told. Your mother has no money to give you, and you can't live on air, you know.

When George came home for the last time, Marget went back and forward all afternoon from his bedroom to the window, and hid herself beneath the laburnum to see his face as the cart stood before the stile. It told her plain what she had feared, and Marget passed through her Gethsemane with the gold blossoms falling on her face.

"Now that you know all about it," said Baxter aside, after the first strangeness of our meeting was over, "it's only fair to tell you that my poor cousin did not die in Holmescroft at all. She was dead when they found her under the window in the morning. Just dead." "Under that laburnum outside the window?" I asked, for I suddenly remembered the crooked evil thing. "Exactly.

"It is wonderful," said Martin, "what a sight of money is wasted in this sort of thing." "But they enjoy it, don't they?" said Mrs. Howland. "Yes, my pet," he replied, "but not as you and me will enjoy Laburnum Villa. And now, Little-sing, can you attend to business?" "I have a very weak head for business, Bo-peep," was the reply.

I also noticed, hanging in the clefts of the rocks around Tete Noir, the long golden tresses of the laburnum. It has seemed to me, when I have been travelling here, as if every flower I ever saw in a garden met me some where in rocks or meadows. There is a strange, unsatisfying pleasure about flowers, which, like all earthly pleasure, is akin to pain.

It was one of those warm mornings in late May that have won all the glory of summer without losing the gay delicacy of spring. The shrubbery was bright with laburnum and lilac, the beds swarmed with daffodils and narcissi and with lilies of the valley in the shade.

Adams fed her swans, and also that she had wished for some seeds from her laburnum trees. These things would make a valid excuse for an early call, as Mrs. Adams might naturally suppose he was on his way to Hyde Manor. He took a merry leave of Arenta, and with his mind full of this plan, went directly to his rooms. The Belvedere Club was this night, impossible to him.