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One January afternoon I walked up and down the Rue de l'Universite eight times in succession, from No. 1 to No. 107, and from No. 107 to No. 1. Jeanne did not come out in spite of the brilliancy of the clear winter day. On the nineteenth of the same month I went to see Andromache, although the classic writers, whom I swear by, are not the writers I most care to hear.

The Baroness, who had to furnish her drawing-room, bed-room, and dining-room with the relics of her splendor, had brought away the best of the remains from the house in the Rue de l'Universite. Indeed, the poor woman was attached to these mute witnesses of her happier life; to her they had an almost consoling eloquence.

You scorn to wear the chain to-day which you cannot shake off laughingly to-morrow. Well I envy you not When you see her, if you do not envy me may I be impaled and left to roast in the sun, a banquet for the crows. Good night. Frank Henley to Oliver Trenchard Paris, Hotel de l'Universite

Thus she had two happy days, for she hoped to deal a mortal blow at the Baroness and her daughter. To go to Crevel's house, in the Rue des Saussayes, she crossed the Pont du Carrousel, went along the Quai Voltaire, the Quai d'Orsay, the Rue Bellechasse, Rue de l'Universite, the Pont de la Concorde, and the Avenue de Marigny.

At last the door was opened by a servant whom he remembered to have seen in the Rue de l'Universite. The man's dull face brightened as he perceived our hero, for Newman, for indefinable reasons, enjoyed the confidence of the liveried gentry.

Again it seemed to him that it was months since he had done the like sat down to a real table for a real dinner. At ten he got into a fiacre and drove to the rue de l'Université. The man who admitted him said that Mademoiselle was alone in the drawing-room, and he went there at once.

I know no restaurant at Paris, except a very ignoble one, close by my lodging." "'Apropos', where do you lodge?" "Rue de l'Universite, Numero ." "A fine street, but 'triste'. If you have no longer your family hotel, you have no excuse to linger in that museum of mummies, the Faubourg St. Germain; you must go into one of the new quarters by the Champs Elysees.

He never lost a sense of its being pitiable that Valentin should think it a large life to revolve in varnished boots between the Rue d'Anjou and the Rue de l'Universite, taking the Boulevard des Italiens on the way, when over there in America one's promenade was a continent, and one's Boulevard stretched from New York to San Francisco.

And shall we do less for mind, eternal omnipotent mind? He is returned. Adieu. You shall soon hear again from your Coke Clifton to His Sister, Louisa Clifton Paris, Hotel de l'Universite, pres le Pont Royal I write agreeably to your desire, sister, to thank you for all obligations, not forgetting your advice.

But you have a mother-in-law, in all the force of the term." "Oh," said Newman, "my mother-in-law desires nothing better than to let me alone." Betimes, on the evening of the 27th, he went to Madame de Bellegarde's ball. The old house in the Rue de l'Universite looked strangely brilliant.