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By Jove, I've seen him before somewhere. His face and his manner are familiar to me. But I simply can't place him. Did you see her wraps in the chair? No? Well, he's helping her on with them. They're going out. Garcon, l'addition vite." We were too late, however, for just as we reached the door we caught a fleeting glimpse of a huge new limousine.

At night he dined at a fashionable establishment in Shaftesbury Avenue. In both places he received ordinary food served without distinction, reckoned up the bill, and found that in each case l'addition was correct and rushed madly back to Paris, where he sold the Café Bleu, packed up his belongings, and explained matters to his wife, doing all three things simultaneously.

I regret to say that he was last seen, late last night, paying a call on my fellow-countrymen from South America at Les Bergues hotel. Serious suspicion rests on these gentlemen, for poor Chang has not been heard of since." "Somehow," Henry said thoughtfully, "I am not surprised. L'addition, s'il vous plaît. No, I cannot say I am surprised.

M. CLEMENCEAU: Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages." Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH: Et serbe.... M. HYMANS: Et belge.... M. SONNINO: Et italienne aussi.... M. HOUSE: Puisqu'est une question importante pour tous, je propose l'addition de M. Clemenceau.

"I've an engagement," invented Anisty plausibly, "with a friend at two. If you'll excuse me ? Garcon, l'addition!" "Then I und'stand, Mister Maitland, we e'n count on yeh?" Anisty, eyelids drooping, tipped back his chair a trifle and regarded Hickey with a fair imitation of the whimsical Maitland smile. "Hardly, I think." "Why not?" truculently.

The news of their pitiful rencontre in the lounge had sped to his ears; he had wept copiously before his sympathetic staff, and declared that the bereaved widow and the so gallant captain should lack for nothing in his hotel. "If it were not that I feared to offend their delicacy I would refrain from presenting to them l'addition.

Not," he added, leaning forward with deliberation to select a tooth-pick, "that that precludes the devil's being there too." Garnett uttered the requisite laugh, and his neighbour, pushing back his plate, called out with a perfectly unbending American intonation: "Gassong! L'addition, silver play."

I must go home. It's later than I thought, and " "And Mrs. Gilfoyle will wonder," Ferriday laughed. "That's right, my dear. You've got to keep good hours if you are going to succeethe on the screen. Early to bed, for you must early-to-rise. Garcon, garcon, l'addition, s'il vous please." While he was paying the bill Kedzie was thinking fleetly of her next problem.

"My automobile is outside. I will drive you all round the city. Monsieur Poynton shall see Paris undressed. Afterwards we will go to Louis' rooms and make his man cook us a déjeuner Anglais." Flossie stood up and laughed. "Who'll lend me a coat?" she cried. "I've nothing but a lace mantle." "Plenty of Frenchmen in the car," the young Frenchman cried. "Are we all agreed? Good! Garçon, l'addition!"

"Julie, l'addition s'il vous plaît." "Bien, monsieur," said Julie, who had been watching the Major admiringly without comprehending a word of what he said. Women have a way of falling in love with the Major at first sight.