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A cloud overspread his ingenuous countenance. "I came down late, and everything was cold and mother was on edge. The girls are always doing the wrong things and I never do the right ones you know the mater so I swallowed a tepid kidney and rushed off." "Save for her worries over you urchins," said I, "I hope Lady Kynnersley is well?" He filled his mouth with toast and marmalade, and nodded.

"Men are mysteries," sighed Lady Kynnersley. "Please regard them as such," said I, with a laugh, "and let Dale alone. Allow him to do whatever irrational thing he likes, save bringing the lady here to tea. If you try to tear him away from her he'll only cling to her the closer. If you trumpet abroad her infamy he'll proclaim her a slandered and martyred saint. Leave him to me for the present."

"It's charming of you to come. I've heard so much of you from Mr. Kynnersley. Do sit down." Her voice was lazy and languorous and caressing like the purr of a great cat; and there was something exotic in her accent, something seductive, something that ought to be prohibited by the police. She sank into her low chair by the fire, indicating one for me square with the hearthrug.

The door opened, and there, to my utter amazement, stood Dale Kynnersley Dale, sleek, alert, smiling, attired in the very latest nicety of evening dress affected by contemporary youth Dale such as I knew and loved but six months ago. He came forward to Agatha, who was little less astounded than myself. "How d'ye do, Lady Durrell? I'm in the stalls with Harry Essendale.

Indeed, when one comes to think of it, a tinker's dog has a fine education if he be naturally a shrewd animal and takes advantage of his opportunities; and a fine education, too, of its kind was that of the vagabond Lola, who on her way from Dublin to Yokohama had more profitably employed her time than Lady Kynnersley supposed.

"But why, my poor Lola, have you wasted your love on a shadow like me?" She answered after the foolish way of women. I have not heard from either Dale or Lady Kynnersley. A day or two ago, in reply to a telegram to Raggles, I learned that Dale had lost the election. This, then, is the end of my apologia pro vita mea, which I began with so resonant a flourish of vainglory.

How he proposes to bear the separation from the object of his flame I have not inquired; but if forcible objurgations in the vulgar tongue have any inner significance, I gather that Lady Kynnersley has not employed an enthusiastic agent.

For the life of me I could not help feeling glad that they were turned on me and not on Dale Kynnersley. Almost immediately the elder Miss Bostock came up to claim the Colonel for bridge. He rose reluctantly. "I suppose it's no use asking you to make a fourth, Mr. de Gex?" she asked, after the subacid manner of her kind. "I'm afraid not," I replied sweetly.

Andrew J. Leach, reporting, July 21, 1897, through Governor Kynnersley of Singapore, to Joseph Chamberlain, Colonial Secretary, said concerning the Iphegenia's visit to the atoll: "As we left the ocean depths of deepest blue and entered the coral circle, the contrast was most remarkable.

I asked him how he knew. "A chauffeur in livery, sir, came to the door and said that the brougham was waiting for Mr. Kynnersley." "I don't see how the lady came in," I remarked. "She didn't, sir. She remained in the brougham," said Rogers. So Lola Brandt keeps an electric brougham.