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Kurruk Shah, he whispered to a grizzled native officer that lay within a few feet of him, 'hast thou heard anything of a dead Rissala in these hills? 'Assuredly, said Kurruk Shah with a grim chuckle. 'Otherwise, why did I, who have served the Queen for seven-and-twenty years, and killed many hill-dogs, shout aloud for quarter when the lightning revealed us to the watch-towers?

The dead are dead. Hold still, sag. The Afghan wriggled. 'The dead are dead, and for that reason they walk at night. What need to talk? We be men; we have our eyes and ears. Thou canst both see and hear them, down the hillside, said Kurruk Shah composedly. Halley stared and listened long and intently.

Thou canst both see and hear them down the hillside," said Kurruk Shah composedly. Halley stared and listened long and intently. The valley was full of stifled noises, as every valley must be at night; but whether he saw or heard more than was natural Halley alone knows, and he does not choose to speak on the subject.

When I was a young man I saw the killing in the valley of Sheor-Kot there at our feet, and I know the tale that grew up therefrom. But how can the ghosts of unbelievers prevail against us who are of the Faith? Strap that dog's hands a little tighter, Sahib. An Afghan is like an eel. 'But a dead Rissala, said Halley, jerking his captive's wrist. 'That is foolish talk, Kurruk Shah.

"Capin Kurruk" was our effective password. Kirke I suppose, had heliographed our arrival, and the Subadar and the native doctor met us. The Subadar, a Sikh, I think, had almost the only Indian face I have seen so far that I liked big, potent, and with the appearance of a sportsman and gentleman. The doctor was of rather an opposite type, though clever-looking, and spoke a little English.

"I am now Estaiblished," she repeated. "Div ye ken the new asseestant frae Inchcawdy pairish? "I trust, leddies, that ye'll mak' the maist o' your releegious preevileges, an' that ye'll be constant at the kurruk. Have you given papa's consent, Salemina? And isn't it dreadful that he is Scotch?" "Isn't it dreadful that she is not?" asked Mr. Macdonald.

No wonder we thought there were a few extra men in the troop. Kurruk Shah," he whispered to a grizzled native officer that lay within a few feet of him, "hast thou heard anything of a dead Rissala in these hills? "Assuredly," said Kurruk Shah with a grim chuckle.

Strap that dog's hands a little tighter, Sahib. An Afghan is like an eel." "But a dead Rissala," said Halley, jerking his captive's wrist. "That is foolish talk, Kurruk Shah. The dead are dead. Hold still, Sag." The Afghan wriggled. "The dead are dead, and for that reason they walk at night. What need to talk? We be men; we have our eyes and ears.