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They will say: "A great man is being buried down in Kristiania"; and when the news comes, it always corresponds with their statement.

After which the letters of resignation from the Norwegian Government, and from the Section of the Cabinet Council were delivered and read in the presence of the King. Respecting this matter, the customary protocol has been drawn up. Kristiania 30:th May 1905. J. Lovland. E. Hagerup Bull. Harald Bothner. The King's telegraphic protest against the declarations of the Norwegian Government.

Fruen would have had plenty of time to get to Kristiania herself by the day the Captain had written his card; she had not, it seemed she had gone somewhere else. It was more than pitiful altogether. Said Nils: "Didn't she leave a note or anything when she went?" But no, there was nothing.

"You mean she drove with Nils to the station? Stupid of me not to have looked about while I was there!" "No," said Ragnhild; "it was Sunday Fruen went." At this the Captain pulled himself together. "Sunday?" he said. "Then she must have been going to meet me in Kristiania. H'm! We've managed to miss each other somehow.

It was in such weather that I a practising doctor, and having, as such, good reason, both on my own account and on that of others, for being out at all times of the day or night one rainy, misty, stormy October afternoon, roamed the streets of Kristiania, finding pleasure in letting the rain dash in my face, while my mackintosh protected the rest of my person.

I, p. 97, representing Michael Angelo and a friend dissecting the body of a man, by the light of a candle fixed in the body itself. Ed. He was the first to make and represent anatomical cross sections. See Leonardo: Quaderni d'Anatomia, Jacob Dybwad, Kristiania, 1911-1916, Vol.

When Southerners talk about storms and waves, they mean a little bit of a storm and rough sea in the Kristiania Fjord, which can even do a little damage in the harbour; and they consider it deeply affecting when a clumsy boatman is drowned.