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It never takes long in business to relieve their minds of this delusion, but they sometimes accomplish a tremendous amount of damage before it happens. For a pert, know-it-all manner coupled with the inefficiency which is almost inseparable from a total lack of experience is not likely to make personal contacts pleasant.

Such "know-it-all" persons are usually found to really "know much that is not true," and to lack knowledge of much that is true, regarding Nature, her realm and her laws. An Appeal To Reason. Concluding these statements, let us say that the student of this book will find nothing contained within this book which is contrary to Nature's laws and principles.

"Aw, look here!" he began, with his voice very near to tears. Then he gulped and took a more warlike tone. "I don't set m'self up t' be a know-it-all but I guess I can tell when a man's full uh booze. Two or three uh yuh have licked me mor'n once but that's all right. I'm willing t' back up anything I've said, and yuh can wade right in a soon as you're a mind to. "I don't back down a darn inch.

"She is and she's just what you need," said Sue, with that know-it-all smile of hers. Her head was now cocked a bit to one side. "Your little friend of long ago," she added sympathetically. I eyed Sue for a moment. I did not care at all for her tone. "What do I need her for?" I asked. "To talk to you of the harbor, of course that's her especial line these days." "The harbor?" I demanded.

With the great know-it-all old world shut out, for joyful years we have dwelt together in a home-made paradise. And yet it seemed just then as if I were dwelling in a home-made Other Place. The difference in the speed of time depends on whether love is your guest or not. The thought of the briefest interruption to my content made me feel like cold storage.

I know all about my own family, and I guess there isn't much worth knowing about my neighbors that I don't know." "Is that so, Mr. Know-it-all," retorted Peter. "I don't believe you even know all your own cousins. I thought I knew all mine, but I found I didn't."

Another day while I was there he began as follows: "If there's one class of men that needs to be improved in this country, it's lawyers. I don't know why it is, but there's something in the very nature of the work of a lawyer which appears to make him cynical and to want to wear a know-it-all look. Most lawyers are little more than sharper crooks than the crooks they have to deal with.

"Why, it ain't got no tail at all!" exclaimed Celia Jane. True enough, there was no tail in evidence, as the elephant seemed to be headed straight towards them. Jerry flushed as they all turned and looked accusingly at him. "Yah!" exclaimed Danny. "Mr. Smarty Know-it-all didn't know so much, after all!" "Mebbe you just can't see it, but it's there," suggested Nora.

"Well, you've got a heap to learn about this game, Mul; about the first thing is that you must trust Old Man Know-it-all, which is me.

Most climbers start out exuberantly, burn up more energy than they can spare for the first part of the trip, and find themselves physically bankrupt before they've reached their goal. The rarefied air of the high country seems to make them lightheaded! The most disagreeable character to have in a party, as in other situations, is the bully, or know-it-all, who spoils everyone's fun.