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Past Scenes Attractions of Ceylon Emigration Difficulties in Settling Accidents and Casualties An Eccentric Groom Insubordination Commencement of Cultivation Sagacity of the Elephant Disappointments "Death" in the Settlement Shocking Pasturage Success of Emigrants "A Good Knock-about kind of a Wife".

By the clear force of genius he had made his way up from that; from throwing cart-wheels for the amusement of the queues waiting at the pit entrances of theaters, from the ribald knock-about of East End halls, from the hilarity of Drury Lane pantomimes. Professionally his success was a solid indubitable thing.

But evidently the professional betting men were a new growth since the mid-nineteenth century. They were just beginning to assemble, wiping their mouths from the oozings of the last potation; some, the aristocrats of their calling, like sporting peers in dress and appearance; others like knock-about actors on the music-hall stage.

Belloc, there's a reason why I'd like to change without anyone's knowing what has become of me I mean, anyone that might be watching me." "I understand perfectly," said Mrs. Belloc with a ready sympathy that made Mildred appreciate the advantages of the friendship of unconventional, knock-about people. "Nothing could be easier. You've got no luggage but that bag.

We had a pretty fair knock-about time in the Channel, running down to Plymouth and back, having a `sojer's wind, one that was fair both ways, out and home again; and, though, from this fact, we necessarily made an easy passage of it, some of the boys were woefully seasick, many of them never having been at sea before. Notably among these was Mick.

A knock-about kind of fellow who had a wholesome fear of the police gave Snyder a hint about some meetings in a stable loft. Snyder got his men to search the stables and they discovered some incriminating literature as well as the White Horse seal of the "republic," which latter Snyder still has in his possession.

And there were days that packed into the space of a few hours the concentrated essence of a music-hall knock-about sketch, an earthquake, a football scrummage, and the rush-hour on the Tube; when the office was full of shouting men, when strange figures dived in and out and banged doors like characters in an old farce, and Harold, the proud office-boy, lost his air of being on the point of lunching with a duke at the club and perspired like one of the proletariat.

His broken arm was causing him considerable suffering, and having acquired during my knock-about life some rude knowledge of surgery, I put the fracture together, and made a sling with my neck-tie. I explained my situation to Chung as well as I was able; he translated to his countryman, who knew no English, and we held a council as to future proceedings.

When shearing was over we were all paid up shearers, washers, knock-about men, cooks, and extra shepherds. Every soul about the place except Mr. M'Intyre and Mr. Falkland seemed to have got a cheque and a walking-ticket at the same time. Away they went, like a lot of boys out of school; and half of 'em didn't show as much sense either.

The wife of the Hun chieftain then persuaded her husband to draw off his forces, and the Emperor escaped. By the Chinese marionettes, little plays on familiar subjects are performed; many are of a more serious turn than the loves of Mr. Punch, while others again are of the knock-about style so dear to the ordinary boy and girl.