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Father Brown had stopped for a moment, and picked up out of the long grass, where it had almost been wholly hidden, a queer, crooked Oriental knife, inlaid exquisitely in coloured stones and metals. "What is this?" asked Father Brown, regarding it with some disfavour. "Oh, Quinton's, I suppose," said Dr. Harris carelessly; "he has all sorts of Chinese knickknacks about the place.

First an antechamber, with cabinets of Italian carving and vitrines and inlaid tables; then the Empress's salon, a very large room filled with low arm-chairs, tables covered with knickknacks, books with paper-cutters still in them, as if they were just being read, screens with engravings a la Louis Seize, and beautiful fans on the walls, also splendid tapestries.

"It is very silly of me, I know, but I cannot help it in the least," said she, turning from him in pretense of arranging the knickknacks on the mantel. "Of course you cannot help it, Joe, dear; as if you had not a perfect right to cry, if you like! I am such a brute I know." "Come and look at the snow," said Joe, taking his hand and leading him to the window.

Household utensils, pieces of furniture, bric-a-brac of the most appalling design, knickknacks and gewgaws without end or purpose stared the bewildered white people in the face with an intensity that confused and embarrassed them beyond power of expression. Shortly after their strange betrothal, Lady Tennys had become a strong advocate of dress reform for women on the island of Nedra.

"You won't help make him a free American again; you'll just help give him knickknacks so he won't rebel against his slavery." The girl's eyes flashed. "Mr. Kasker," she said sternly, "I consider that speech disloyal and traitorous. Men are being jailed every day for less!" He shrugged his shoulders. "I believe that is true, and it proves what a free country this is does it not? Mr.

Scattered through the building were several small patios with patches of sun, in which many prisoners were engaged in making ingenious little knickknacks which they were permitted to sell for their own benefit. The speciality of one old fellow under life sentence was a coin purse with the slightly incongruous device, "Viva la Independencia!"

There was silver-backed brushes and all sorts of expensive doodads spread out loose, and Miss Robinson's watch and a di'mond ring, and a few other knickknacks. I couldn't imagine a thief's leavin' all that truck, and I said so. "'Them? sputters Pa, frantic. 'What the brimstone blazes do you think I care for them? I could buy that sort of stuff by the car-load, if I wanted to.

Expensive oil-paintings, water-colors, and drawings hung upon the walls, while on the tables, on the hanging shelves, and in elegant glass cupboards, there were a thousand knickknacks: small vases, statuettes, groups in Dresden china, grotesque Chinese figures, old ivory, and Venetian glass, which filled the large room with their precious and fantastical array.

What first attracted the agent's attention was the number of superfluous articles scattered about the apartment some plaster statuettes on either side of a gilt clock, an etagere crowded with knickknacks, and five or six passable engravings.

"I'm thinking ye'll no see so much of Jessy for the next few weeks," Nairn remarked dryly. "Has she shown ye any of yon knickknacks when she has finished them?" His wife shook her head at him reproachfully. "Alic," she admonished, "ye're now and then hasty in jumping at conclusions." "Maybe. I'm no infallible, but the fault ye mention is no common in the land where we were born.