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Between the village and the inlet, and half a mile from the great "bay," lay the Kinzer farm. Beyond the bay was a sand-bar, and beyond that the Atlantic Ocean; for all this was on the southerly shore of Long Island. The Kinzer farm had lain right there acre for acre, no more, no less on the day when Hendrik Hudson, long ago, sailed the good ship "Half-Moon" into New York Bay.

There was a resentful ring in the last remark, as if he were thinking of something like war after the recovery of his groceries; but it was indeed the voice of Dab Kinzer, shouting full and clear, "Pick 'em up, Dick! we're just in time."

Kinzer still kept him in roundabouts; but they did not seem to hinder his growth at all, if that was her object in so doing.

"But then he does grow so!" remarked Keziah. "Mother," said Pamela, "couldn't you get Dab to give Dick the slang, along with the old clothes?" "We'll see about it," replied Mrs. Kinzer. It was very plain that Dabney's mother had begun to take in a new idea about her son.

He must have things warm and nice, for the winters are cold up there." "I hasn't said he might go Dick, put down dem eels; an' he hasn't said he'd go Dick, take off yer hat; an' his father" "Now, Glorianna," interrupted Mrs. Kinzer, calling Dick's mother by her first name, "I've known you these forty years, and do you suppose I'm going to argue about it?

That was a bad thing for Dabney to say just then, for it was vigorously resented by the remaining three. As soon as quiet was restored, however, Mrs. Kinzer remarked, "I think Hamilton should have consulted me about it, but it's too late now. Anyhow, you may go and put on your other clothes." "My wedding suit?" asked Dab. "No, indeed! I mean your old ones, those you took off night before last."

Not even when the mail brought word from "Aunt Maria" that her two boys would arrive in a day or so. "Our last chance is gone, Annie," said Ford, when the news came. "O, mother, what shall we do?" "Have your sail, just the same, and invite your cousins." "But the Kinzers " "Why, Annie! Mrs. Kinzer will not think of neglecting them. She's as kind as kind can be."

Every day that passed, and with every dollar's worth of work that was done, the good points of the long-neglected old mansion came out stronger and stronger. The plans of Mrs. Kinzer had been a good while in getting ready, and she knew exactly what was best to be done at every hole and corner. Within a few days after Ford's trip of investigation, he and his father came over from the city; and Mr.

Any like me?" "De nicest young gen'lman round dis bay," replied Dick, "is Mr. Dab Kinzer. But he ain't like you. Not nuff to hurt him." "Dab Kinzer," exclaimed the stranger. "Where'd he get his name?" "In de bay, I 'spect," said Dick, as he shoved his boat off; "caught 'im wid a hook."

Ham had given a pretty full account of his visit to Grantley, including his dinner at Mrs. Myers', and all he had learned of the academy. "It seems like spending a great deal of money," began Mrs. Kinzer, when Ham at last paused for breath, but he caught her up at once with, "I know you've been paying out a great deal, Mother Kinzer, but Dab must go if I pay " "You pay, indeed, for my boy!