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That light hain't no lantern. That's where Ketchomunoski lives. We'll go on. He may come out if he hears us go by. I'll go slow and whip up just as we reach his shanty." "Is he a miner?" It was Nora who asked the question. "Yes." "Draw down your veil, Elizabeth, and don't say a word to him. I'll do the talking."

"Ketchomunoski is sending word of our coming," said Nora. "I begin to feel that I am of some importance. This is the first time my appearance has been heralded." Then more seriously, "I would like to know what two shots mean. Why wasn't one sufficient? Do you know, Jefferies?" But Jefferies knew nothing. He would not even express an opinion on the subject. He had no time to give to mere surmises.

Had conditions been normal, discharging a mule-driver would have been of so little moment it would have passed without comment. But O'Day's quiet work had not been without its effect. The same evening, a delegation of miners waited upon Mr. Hobart. Ketchomunoski was to be put back or the rest of them would go out. Mr. Hobart listened to their terms. He considered the question before replying.

Hobart's present method of talking with them, to their way of thinking, betokened not sound common sense and judgment, but fear. They blustered and threatened and defied. At this, Mr. Hobart arose, declaring that they might take what course they would, he could not return Ketchomunoski to work. The delegation, expressing their anger in strong words, departed. Mr.

"It's not to be told to every one," she replied. "If you will tell me who your leader is, I'll whisper it to him." "Ivan," they cried, pushing a Slav forward, and retreating into the shadows. Bending over, Nora mentioned "Militia." The word was magic. Then she grew impatient. "Why do you try to keep us here?" she exclaimed. "Didn't Ketchomunoski fire two guns?

It was then that Joe Ratowsky walked to the foot of the hill to telegraph Elizabeth to remain at Exeter. And the day following he called upon her, with a letter, putting the best construction he could upon the road being disabled. There was a little mule-driver in the mines who bore the euphonious name of Ketchomunoski.

Scarcely had she spoken when the flickering light moved out into the road, directly in their way. Ketchomunoski, lantern in hand, barred their way. Jefferies could have urged the horses on, letting the big Polander run the risk of getting beneath their hoofs. But Jefferies was a peaceful man, so long as peace served his purpose.