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"Wonder ef Guv'nment pays for them frocks the Kernel's girls went cavortin' round Logport in last Sunday they looked like a cirkis." "Like ez not the old Kernel gets it outer contracts one way or another. WE pay for it all the same," he added gloomily. "Jest the same ez if they were MY clothes," said the girl, with a quick, fiery, little laugh, "ain't it?

"The old Kernel's d d peppery and high toned when he's got a little more than his reg'lar three fingers o' corn juice, eh?" "I must beg you to understand distinctly, Mr.

From the small kernel's undiscerned repose The oak that lords it o'er the forest grows. Two genii are there, from thy birth through weary life to guide thee; Ah, happy when, united both, they stand to aid beside thee? With gleesome play to cheer the path, the one comes blithe with beauty, And lighter, leaning on her arm, the destiny and duty.

Poor Clarence hesitated, despairingly. Was he to go through the same cross-examination he had undergone with the Peytons? "Yes," he said doggedly, "I am but he's dead, and you know it." "Dead of course." "Sartin." "He's dead." "The Kernel's planted," said the men in chorus. "Well, yes," reflected the Living Skeleton ostentatiously, as one who spoke from experience.

He would willingly have contented himself with this mere outward manifestation, but in his desire to soothe the ruffled dignity of the old man he consented to partake of a small glass of spirits. George at once became radiant and communicative. "De Kernel bin gone to Santa Clara to see de young lady dat's finished her edercation dah de Kernel's only ward, sah.

Prisintly, he sthrols up, his arrums full av thruck, an' he sez in a consiquinshal way, shticking out his little belly, 'Me good men, sez he, 'have ye seen the Kernel's b'roosh? 'B'roosh? says Learoyd. 'There's no b'roosh here nobbut a hekka. 'Fwhat's that? sez Thrigg. Learoyd shows him wan down the sthreet, an' he sez, 'How thruly Orientil!

"Look yer," he said finally, "I don't know ez it's your fault you don't know this kentry ez well ez you do Yurup; so I'll drag this yer team over to Robinson's on the river, give the horses a bite, and then meander down this yer ridge, and wait for ye. Ye'll see me from the Kernel's." And without waiting for a reply, he swung his horses' heads toward the river, and rolled away.

When yo' come again, sah, yo' 'll find de Widder Glencoe on de sideboard." "Has the colonel many friends here?" "Mos' de ole ones bin done gone, sah, and de Kernel don' cotton to de new. He don' mix much in sassiety till de bank settlements bin gone done. Skuse me, sah! but you don' happen to know when dat is? It would be a pow'ful heap off de Kernel's mind if it was done.

"The hekka-man knew there was somethin' out av the common in the air. He grinned an' sez, 'Bote achee! I goin' damn fast. I prayed that the Kernel's b'roosh wudn't arrive till me darlin' Benira by the grace av God was undher weigh.

"Ham Brant's about as bony now as they make 'em." "You bet! About the dustiest, deadest corpse you kin turn out," corroborated Slumgullion Dick, nodding his head gloomily to the others; "in point o' fack, es a corpse, about the last one I should keer to go huntin' fur." "The Kernel's tech 'ud be cold and clammy," concluded the Duke of Chatham Street, who had not yet spoken, "sure.