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Here, Ralph, the Bottle, Rogue, of Sack, ye Rascal; hadst thou been a Butler worth hanging, thou wou'dst have met us at the door with it. Ods bods, Sweet-heart, thy health. Bear. Away with it, to the Bride's Haunce in Kelder. Sir Feeb. Let. I die but to imagine it, wou'd I were dead indeed. Sir Feeb. Hah hum how's this? Tears upon the Wedding day? Sir Cau.

II. 'Stephano, I long to have a Rowse to her Grace's Health, and to the Haunse in Kelder, or rather Haddock in Kelder, for I guess it will be half Fish'; and also Dryden's Amboyna , Act iv, sc.

I, where Harman senior remarks at Towerson and Ysabinda's wedding: 'You Englishmen ... cannot stay for ceremonies; a good honest Dutchman would have been plying the glass all this while, and drunk to the hopes of Hans in Kelder till 'twas bedtime. p. 204 an Apple John.

Siyaro is the Somali corruption of the Arabic Ziyarat, which, synonymous with Mazar, means a place of pious visitation. The Somal call the insect Abor, and its hill Dundumo. The corrupted Portuguese word used by African travellers; in the Western regions it is called Kelder, and the Arabs term it "Kalam."

In fine I'll justifie it to be as grand to the eye every whit, I gad, as that great Scene in Harry the Eight. p. 203 Joan Sanderson. See note Vol. I, p. 456: Joan Sanderson. p. 204 Haunce in Kelder. Literally Jack-in-the-Cellar, i.e. the unborn babe in the womb. cf. Davenant and Dryden's alteration of The Tempest, Act iv, sc.

When his companions drank to the Hans en kelder, or Jack in the low cellar, he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance, and signified his intention of sending the young dog to sea as soon as he should be able to carry a cartridge, in hopes of seeing him an officer before his own death.