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He made certain of meeting her, however, as she returned; but here also he was deceived, for she went round by the other side of the kailyard, for the purpose, as it appeared, of taking with her a handful of sticks, with which to kindle up the fire next morning.

There grew, and there still grows, a rowan-tree in the corner of the garden or kailyard of Mitchelslacks; to this tree or bush the poor boy was fastened with cords, having his eyes bandaged, and being made to understand, that, if he did not reveal his father's retreat, a ball would immediately pass through his brain.

He, however, may be said to have done the greatest work of his life upon that farm. It was while one day weeding the "kailyard," or garden, with his brother, that he first decided, after they had talked it carefully over, to be an author, and to write verses that would "bear publishing."

These Lowlanders of Saxon descent may well have inherited the rites from the Celts who preceded them in the possession of the south country. A common practice at Hallowe'en was to go out stealthily to a neighbour's kailyard and there, with shut eyes, to pull up the first kail stock that came to hand.

It lies out of the forest, a cluster of houses, with an old bridge, an old castle in ruin, and a quaint old church. The inn garden descends in terraces to the river; stable-yard, kailyard, orchard, and a space of lawn, fringed with rushes and embellished with a green arbour. On the opposite bank there is a reach of English-looking plain, set thickly with willows and poplars.

Expense is no object to Mr. Logan, and he will not be ungrateful if strict secrecy is preserved. But, of all things, I want a wash. 'All right, sir, said the policeman, and in a few minutes Merton's head, hands, and neck, were restored to their pristine propriety. 'No more kailyard talk for me, he thought, with satisfaction. The head of the detective department arrived in no long time.

He wrote, under the name of "Ian Maclaren," several novels belonging to the "Kailyard" school, including Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush and The Days of Auld Lang Syne, which had great popularity both at home and in America. He also wrote religious works, of which The Mind of the Master is the best known. Historian, s. of an apothecary in St. Andrews, where and at Edin. and Glasgow, he was ed.

Stuart of ?" said I, knowing there is never a Scot but has the name of his kailyard tacked to his own. "A King's name is good enough for me; I bear it plain. Mr. ?" said he, reddening. "They call me the Chevalier Barry, of Ballybarry." "I am in the better company, sir," quoth he, with a grand bow. When a bowl of punch was brought he takes off his hat, and drinks, very solemnly, "To the King!"

Campbell; but, apparently, new scruples and terrors had struck him before they left the house, for I heard Campbell reiterating assurances of safety and protection as they left the ante-room "By the soul of my body, man, thou'rt as safe as in thy father's kailyard Zounds! that a chield wi' sic a black beard should hae nae mair heart than a hen-partridge!

I repine, I find a reluctation of spirit against believing that this is the place. What, is this kailyard that inexhaustible paradise of a garden in which M and I found "elbow-room," and expatiated together without sensible constraint? Is that little turfed slope the huge and perilous green bank down which I counted it a feat, and the gardener a sin, to run?