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Cartwright, if you need a president of the board of health or a dog catcher, I'm your man as soon, that is, as my wrist gets well." And so Hal went on his way. Such "joshing" on the part of a "buddy" was of course absurdly presumptuous; the superintendent stood looking after him with a puzzled frown upon his face. Hal did not look back, but turned into the company-store.

"It certainly is a ring tailed dandy," she admitted musically. "You aren't Mr. Leland, are you?" Dart laughed too, his amusement apparently as genuine as hers, and entirely unabashed by the unconcealed appraisal of her glance at him. "You're joshing," he retorted, coming closer so that while he could look at her he could turn his coat tails to the fire.

Say, Hinkle, there isn't any use of talking I'm on the a la carte to wear brown duds and goggles in a whiz wagon, or marry a duke at least. Still, I somehow hate to break out of the old cage. I've been cashiering so long I feel funny doing anything else. I'll miss joshing the fellows awfully when they line up to pay for the buckwheats and. But I can't let this chance slide.

Commander Joshing and Lieutenant Prattent, R.N., of the former nation, "were cheated by the donkey women, and thought themselves extremely fortunate to have escaped with their lives from the effects of Capri vintage. The landlord was an old Cossack."

"William J. Bryan couldn't have stood for it." Once again Jimmy lost the thread. The wealth of political allusion baffled him. "What's Taft been doing to you?" "It wasn't Taft. He only looks like him. It was that kid Ogden up where I work. He came butting into the gym, joshing me about makin' pers'nal remarks till I kind of lost my goat, and the next thing I knew I was giving him his!"

"See here, Larry" all the boisterous quality had gone from Hunt's voice, and it was low-pitched and a bit unsteady "I don't mind your joshing me about myself or my painting, but don't fool with me about anything that's really important." "I'm not fooling you. I'm sure Miss Sherwood feels that way." "How do you know?" "I've got a pair of eyes that don't belong to a cold boiled lobster.

"Oh, he said to me, 'I'm just joshing with you and I really wanted to see if I couldn't get you down a little and make that much more for the house. I like to do business myself with any one who is on the square." "The order stuck then?" asked the wall paper man. "No, it didn't. That's the worst of it. A few days after I reached home in came a cancellation from the head of the house.

"The funny thing is that I remember those two dances better than any I've ever had with anybody else." He came up the steps two at a time. "What do you mean by that?" he demanded. "Are you joshing me?" "No, honest. That New Year's eve with the blizzard raging outside, and that bright crowded hall, and all you boys just home from France.

What about the 'Prince of Crooks'? Artistry in crime, wasn't it, you said?" They were quoting from his editorials of bygone days, a half dozen reporters of rival papers, grinning and joshing him good-naturedly, seemingly quite unaffected by what lay within arm's reach of them upon the bed. Carruthers smiled a little wryly, shrugged his shoulders and presented Jimmie Dale to Inspector Clayton.

Two of his houses overlook the Park and all of them overlook the building laws. The floors are made of concrete so that if you want to bring a horse in the parlor you can do so without kicking off the plaster in the flat below. Every room has folding doors, and when the water pipes burst the janitor has folding arms." "Quit your joshing, John! you'll embarrass Mr.