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Off on de fiel' you foller de plough, Den w'en you're tire' you scare de cow, Sickin' de dog till dey jomp de wall, So de milk ain't good for not'ing at all An you're only five an' a half dis fall, Little Bateese!

Him say not walk in night-time, say me not talk you. I no ask; I just come." "Yoh lov' him, perhaps? More as yoh lov' me? Always I see yoh look at him always watch, watch. Always I see yoh jomp when he snap the finger; always yoh run like train dog. Yoh lov' him, perhaps? Bah! Yoh dirt onder his feet."

Ambrose felt for the little fingers that crept through the slit, and gratefully pressed his lips to them. "Ah!" she breathed wonderingly. "Was that your mouth? It mak' me jomp! Put your hand outside, Angleysman." He did so, and felt his fingers brushed as with rose-petals. "Goo'-by!" she breathed. "Nesis," he asked, "do you know why Watusk is keeping me locked up here?

The loud murmur, increasing to a roar, of the sea, was trying enough as we approached, buoyed on the last long undulation. "Now sit still, massa, bote." We sank down into the trough, and presently were hove forwards with a smooth sliding motion up on the beach until grit, grit, we stranded on the cream-coloured sand, high and dry. "Now, jomp, massa, jomp."

Michel's forehead is bus' open from here to here lak that! Michel drop his knife in the snow. Him get ver' sick. Warm blood run all down his eyes, and he can't see not'ing no more. "Bear grab Michel round his body and squeeze him pretty near till his eyes jomp out. Michel say a little prayer then. Him say him awful sorry he ain't confessed this year.

But Tony quickly added: "An' no one else be kill buta da strike-break'. No odder peoples on da Nomber Twent' disa day at night. An' da trainmen dey alla have plent' time to jomp. "Only da men wat steala your job," he repeated craftily. And with a sinking heart Alex saw that the rest of the easily excitable foreigners had been won. Again he moved back out of sight. Something must be done!

Tall, ver' smart, and he play in theatre at Montreal. It is in the winter. P'tite Louison visit Montreal. She walk past the theatre and, as she go by, she slip on the snow and fall. Out from a door with a jomp come M'sieu' Hadrian, and pick her up. And when he see the purty face of P'tite Louison, his eyes go all fire, and he clasp her hand to his breast.

As soon as they had passed out of sight of the boat, Bela pulled Sam into the bushes, and they worked back under cover to a point whence they could watch their pursuers in comparative safety. "Maybe they goin' land this side," she suggested. "If they land, run lak hell and jomp in my boat." Sam never thought of smiling. Five minutes of breathless suspense succeeded.

"Then, what are you laughing at?" demanded the irate British dame; for she could not help seeing that the old fellow was literally doubling in suffocated laughter. "How dare you laugh?" "I laugh, Mees," he sputtered out, "'cos you scare me so bad when you call, I jomp in my coat mistake for my pants. Dat's all." It would pay to cultivate a little home sentiment, wouldn't it?

My brother, she's try starting that engine. She's don't go. Got no crank nowhere. She's got no gas. Me, I'm scare my brother starts that engine. I'm jomp down like hell. I'm scare I maybe would fly somewhere and fall down and keel. No importa. She's jus' sets." Johnny turned white around the mouth, but he shook his head. "Pretty good, Tommy. But you better look out.