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It was fortunate he had not done so, he reflected, since the hulk was now required for very different purposes. Jimson, a man of inconspicuous costume, but insinuating manners, had little difficulty in finding the hireling who had charge of the houseboat, and still less in persuading him to resign his care.

What troubled him now was Julia's indescribable levity. That girl would scrape acquaintance with anybody; she had no reserve, none of the enamel of the lady. He could conceive her asking Jimson to have tea with her! And it was for a girl like this that a man like Gideon Down, manly heart! He was interrupted by a sound that sent him whipping behind the door in a trice.

Nay, even the sacred 150 had penetrated to its very core, wonderingly, however, for none knew how Jocular Jimson Jones could do it. Still, they never declined an invitation. As a natural result the market for Acre Hill lots grew active. The sixteen cottages were sold, and the purchasers found themselves right in the swim.

But for the present I was in a backwater, no less than the Garden City of Biggleswick, where Mr Cornelius Brand, a South African gentleman visiting England on holiday, lodged in a pair of rooms in the cottage of Mr Tancred Jimson. The house or 'home' as they preferred to name it at Biggleswick was one of some two hundred others which ringed a pleasant Midland common.

The next morning, after having hauled the trap, Colin jumped aboard the Phalarope, which was going to New Bedford for supplies for the station, and which was to take him there to join Dr. Jimson on a swordfish schooner. A large portion of the surface of Buzzards Bay was dotted with billets of wood, about six inches thick and painted in all manner of colors.

"Oh shave!" sez Josiah, "I guess I know all about a jimson weed. Why they groin; that is all there is about them. They grow, dumb 'em. I guess if you'd broke your back as many times as I have a pullin' 'em up, yon would know all about' em. Dumb their dumb picters," sez he, a scowlin' at 'em. It wuz the same kind of weed that growed in our onion beds. I recognized it.

It was fortunate he had not done so, he reflected, since the hulk was now required for very different purposes. Jimson, a man of inconspicuous costume, but insinuating manners, had little difficulty in finding the hireling who had charge of the houseboat, and still less in persuading him to resign his care.

There's money enough to take me where I want to go." "Whee-w! Thunder and jimson root! Wher'd ye git that? Didn't dig it out of a hole?" "No. I jest saved it-a dime at a time-see?" Here she turned it out on the table-some bills, but mostly silver dimes and quarters. "Thunder and scissors! Must be two er three hundred dollars there," stared he.

Jimson only answered by a distressing cough; and the next moment the girl was on her knees, and their faces had almost knocked together under the table. "O, my gracious goodness!" exclaimed Miss Hazeltine, and sprang to her feet. "Mr. Forsyth gone mad!" "I am not mad," said the gentleman ruefully, extricating himself from his position.

Meanwhile the dust of years had been disturbed by the young barrister's convulsions; and the sneezing-fit was succeeded by a passionate access of coughing. Julia began to feel a certain interest. 'I am afraid you are really quite ill, she said, drawing a little nearer. 'Please don't let me put you out, and do not stay under that table, Mr Jimson. Indeed it cannot be good for you.