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We supposed she asked us whether we wished to see the church; so we said Ja, and then she ran away. Presently we saw a boy coming along, and he asked us something, and we said Ja; and then he ran away. We did not know what they meant by going away; but the fact was, they went to find some men who kept the keys.

There was a sound of approval in the room, and they all nodded their heads. He looked at me, and as I supposed he might be expecting an answer I thought I had better say ja again, so I did. "England," he then continued, "is our cousin, our blood-relation. Therefore is it that we can and must tell her the truth, even if it is unpalatable."

When Tarzan realized the trick that had been so neatly played upon him he had awaited expectantly the coming of the lion, for though the scent of ja was old he was sure that sooner or later they would let one of the beasts in upon him. His first consideration was a thorough exploration of his prison.

George, "and my nephew will have an omelet. We should like some fried potatoes too, and some coffee." "Ja, monsieur," said the waiter. "Let us see. You will have one bifstek, one omelet, two fried potatoes, and two caffys." "Yes," said Mr. George. "Varry well," said the waiter. "It shall be ready in fiveteen minutes." So the waiter went away.

The sovereign's soft, exquisitely trained voice would say, "Ja, ja, ja!" each word dropping out like so many soft pellets of suet; the subdued rasp of the official would come: "Zum Befehl Durchlaucht," like five revolver-shots; the voice of M. Schontz would go on and on under its breath like that of an unclean priest reciting from his breviary in the corner of a railway-carriage.

"Ja," said I, "it is all in print" adding, with an internal reservation, "or ought to be." Who can blame me for paying tribute to Miss Marit's kindness and hospitality? She is certainly deserving of much higher praise than that bestowed upon her, and I hope Mr. Bennett will pardon me for the liberal style of my translation.

"What! never heard of Ja The thing is impossible; everybody knows Jack Richards. The very thing for us; such a wit! such a wag! he is the life and soul of everything. Should he be unengaged for the 24th of August. But he is so caught up! I was invited to meet him at dinner last Sunday at Jones's, but he didn't come. Such a disappointment to us!

"I would say," he replied, "that either you are a fool, or took me for one." "But, Ja," I insisted, "if their theory is incorrect how do you account for the fact that I was able to pass through the earth from the outer crust to Pellucidar.

Since the railway bridge was built my people at my village have ceased to love me; and that is breaking my heart." "Ah, shame!" said the Jackal. "So noble a heart, too! But men are all alike, to my mind." "Nay, there are very great differences indeed," the Mugger answered gently. "Some are as lean as boat-poles. Others again are fat as young ja dogs. Never would I causelessly revile men.

My wife, Rosa, sits on the stair to see that none disturb, and her cousin, the wife of the Portier, weeps over the stove. Please, Fraulein, come with me." "When did you leave the Siebensternstrasse?" "But now." "And he still lives?" "Ja, Fraulein, and asks for you."