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Haldane's face flushed with pleasure, and he said warmly, "I am not in a position, sir, to consider any honest work beneath me, and after your kindness I shall regard any service I can render you as a privilege." "A neat answer," laughed Mr. Ivison. "If you do your work as well I shall be satisfied. Pluck and good sense will make a man of you yet.

Ivison began to find his office and papers kept in just the order he liked, the temperature maintained at a pleasant medium, and to receive many little nameless attentions that added to his comfort and reduced the wear and tear of life to a hurried business-man; and when in emergencies Haldane was given tasks that required brains, he proved that he possessed a fair share of them.

Marks, I would rather see him than Dr. Barstow, and if you will permit me to be absent a part of next Monday forenoon I will esteem it a great favor, and will trespass on your kindness no further. I can go after mill-hours on Saturday, and will return by the first train on Monday." Mr. Ivison readily granted the request, and even became somewhat curious as to the result. When Mrs.

It appears to me that it is as mean a thing for newspapers to strike a man who is down, but who is endeavoring to rise again, as it is for an individual to do so, and I am sure that you will not consciously permit your journal to give any such sinister blow. Respectfully yours, John Ivison. In editorial comment came the following brief remark: We gladly give Mr.

I wonder you should be in your office now. No business has so much at stake in this election as yours." "I don't think I should feel entirely easy to vote for the candidate," said Aminadab. "Mr. Ivison," said the bank director, "I always took you to be a shrewd, sensible man, taking men and things as they are.

"I do not ask more of your time, and will come directly to the point. My name is Haldane, and, as far as I am concerned, you know nothing good concerning me." "You are correct," said Mr. Ivison coldly. "I shall not need your services." "Mr. Ivison," said Haldane in a tone that made the gentleman pause, "ought I to be a thief and a vagabond?" "Certainly not."

Barstow, all my real estate would be in the 'Celestial City," laughed Mr. Ivison. "But I have a special admiration for the grace of clear grit, and this young fellow, in declining his mother's offer and trying to stand on his feet here in Hillaton, where every one is ready to tread him down, shows pluck, whatever else is wanting.

That is, the stem revolves by bowing itself over to one side, is either pulled over or pushed over, or both, by some internal force, which acts in turn all round the stem in the direction in which it sweeps; and so the stem makes its circuits without twisting." By Asa Gray. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., New York, 1872.

"I'm glad of it," said the good woman, "and I dare say thee feels the better for it." Aminadab Ivison slept soundly that night, and saw no more of the little iron soldier. I know not, I ask not, what guilt's in thy heart, But I feel that I love thee, whatever thou art. Moor.

When he went forth to his place of business he saw the crowds hurrying to and fro; there were banners flying across the streets, huge placards were on the walls, and he heard all about him the bustle of the great election. "Friend Ivison," said a red-faced lawyer, almost breathless with his hurry, "more money is needed in the second ward; our committees are doing a great work there.