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One man alone could approach the altar. It was Israïl, the beloved of the Lord. He went straight through the great doors, and all the rest followed him. The holy man then decided that he must act as guide to his fellows who, like himself, were possessed by the fever for eternal salvation. He knew how to distinguish between dreams sent by heaven, and those emanating from the infernal regions.

It harboured, among others, a douchoboretz; a "god" of the Sava persuasion, with his wife, representing the "Holy Ghost"; a chlyst, who rotated indefatigably round a tub of water; a captain who claimed the honour of brotherhood with Jesus Christ; a man named Pouchkin, who supposed himself to be the Saviour reincarnated; a skopetz who had brought a number of people from Moscow to be initiated into the sect of the Russian eunuchs; and the staretz Israïl, a famous seer, who desired to found a "Church Triumphant" among the inhabitants of the prison.

It was on that I counted, and I went out on Zion and Acra, where the crowd was less. It was getting late. Beth-horon was dim. I could see lights in Herod’s palace. Some one said that the tetrarch of Galilee was there, the guest of the procurator. I went back by way of Antonia to Birket Israil and the Red Heifer Bridge. I had given up; it seemed to me useless to make further attempt.

Israïl himself desired to be crucified, but Heaven withheld this supreme grace, and also denied his followers the joy of witnessing miracles at his graveside. The Holy Synod contented itself with sentencing him to lifelong imprisonment at Solovetzk. We may add that the founder of the "inspired seers" left, at his death, several volumes of verse. Unhappy poet!

Then the Angel of Death took the King's soul as he sat on his throne before he ate of the food, and he fell down dead. There was a puissant despot among the Kings of the Banu Israil, who sat one day upon the throne of his kingship, when he saw come in to him, by the gate of the hall, a man of forbidding aspect and horrible presence.

He proceeded to share this kingdom with the brothers Warlaam, Nikanor, and others who had been "touched by the finger of God." Unbelievers were gradually won over, and a community was formed whose members lived on prayers and celestial visions, and obeyed the rules laid down for them by Israïl. The sick were cured by his prayers, and the incredulous were abashed by the holiness of his appearance.

However, they did not heed him, and horrified at such lack of faith, Israïl presented the Governor-General with a formal document on "the Second Coming of Our Saviour Jesus Christ."

It was a great day for the new religion which was to be born in the desert of Krivoziersk when the Father Joseph came to join Israïl, the tale of whose glory by this time resounded throughout the whole neighbourhood. They remained on their knees for whole weeks at a time, praying together. Israïl painted sacred pictures, and Joseph carved spoons, for the glory of the Lord.

His fame spread, and ever greater crowds were attracted, so that while the faithful rejoiced in the triumph of "the belovéd," Israïl himself deemed the time to be ripe for his promotion in the ranks of sanctity. He proclaimed himself to be Jesus Christ. On Holy Thursday he washed the feet of his disciples, blessed the bread and wine, and distributed it to the assembled believers.

Suddenly, slipping from his grasp, she leapt upon the altar, and, radiating heavenly beauty, threw herself into his arms. "Come, come, my spouse!" she said. "Come, that I may outpour for thee the wine of my love and the delights of my Eternal Father!" On hearing these words from the Queen of Heaven, Israïl dissolved into tears.