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"I'll interdooce myself to 'em!" said Hackley savagely. "And whoever says that Maginnis licked me's a liar. You hear me? Tripped my toe on a rock, I did, and banged all the sense outen my head " "I understand, Jim," interrupted Ryan suavely. "Just what I told the boys. O' course, just between you an me, I have been kinder took by surprise that you've waited so long to get your evens.

"He goed away wheneber he saw de peepil comin' up de hill," said Moses, who had watched the meeting of father and son with huge delight. "But you kin interdooce me instead," he added, with a crater-like smile. "True, true," exclaimed Nigel, laughing. "This is Moses, father, my host's servant, and my very good friend, and a remarkably free-and-easy friend, as you see.

Real swell gentlemen, who wore red badges to show "they was all right," came up and asked if they could "interdooce" other gents to you, in case you'd come in alone and didn't have friends. But Sadie always did have friends. The red-haired girl, who had from the first been a haunting mystery for Win, was in the toy department.

"That ain't no way to interdooce me to the lady, kid," said the big fellow. "She won't look my way if you treat me light like that. My name's Earl Usher. Honest truth, 'tis, off the bills! Y'will come along, won't you?" "You're very kind," Win began in the conventional way that he had laughed at in the morning. Then, afraid of being teased again, she said that she must go home.

"Dat I cannot say, sar," answered the black; "I only know dat a perliceman come out ob de door ob de lock-up as I was passin' by, and asked me if I wanted to earn fibe shillin'; and when I say `yes, he take me into de lock-up and interdooce me to young bucra, who say him name am Lindsay, and dat if I will take a message to you he will gib me fibe shillin' when I come back wid you."

"Then, if you'll excuse the liberty, I'll interdooce meself, in a manner of speaking." He touched his cap with a bob of mock humility. "I'm Bob Ford," he said, "come back out o' kingdom come so to say. Me as went down with the Mooltan safe dead five year gone. I come to see my wife." During this speech Thomas Simmons's jaw was dropping lower and lower.

"I was jes goin' to interdooce to you, Jedge, these gentlemen from my own State, District Attorney Hiram S. Sligh and Mr. Rufus Raimes, rancher." The Commissioner duly acknowledged the introduction, standing to receive the strangers with due courtesy. "Now, Jedge, I want to see yer Chief of Police. I've got a case for him." "I have the honor to be the Commissioner. What can I do for you?"

He then resumed the conversation with the easy familiarity of one who has established a claim to respectful attention: "Pardner, couldn't ye interdooce a fel'r's wants tknow'er?" "Impossible; I have not the honour of her acquaintance." A look of distrust crept into his face, and finally settled into a savage scowl about his eyes. "Sed ye knew 'er!" he faltered, menacingly.

These niggers here are a rotten bad lot. But I'll interdooce yer to Bobaran. He's the biggest cut-throat of em' all; but he an' me is good pals, and onct you've squared him you're pretty safe. Got plenty fever medicine? 'Lots. 'Liquor? 'Case of gin. 'That'll keep you clear o' fever as much as anything, as long as the case lasts. 'Now we'll take stock.

"If that's the case why doesn't he come forward and interdooce himself? whisht now!" What did the Irishman do but pucker up his mouth, whistle, and beckon to the Indian to approach. The latter, however, did not move a muscle. "Helloa!" called Warren; "we thank you for your kindness; won't you come forward and join us?" This appeal was as fruitless as the other.