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"Daddy! daddy!" he cried, throwing his arms round his neck and kissing him, "I lo'e ye better nor ever. An' weel I may!" "But how can you, when you 've cot none of ta plood in you, my son?" persisted Duncan. "I hae as muckle as ever I had, daddy." "Yes, put you 'll tidn't know." "But ye did, daddy." "Yes, and inteet she cannot tell why she 'll pe loving you so much herself aal ta time!"

But there I could see the big wideawake hat still hanging inside the window, and of course I knew there was only one door out of the inner room, right before me, so it seemed foolish to be uneasy. So I waited longer still, but now it was so late, I thought they should have come out to lunch before this, and then I was fery uneasy fery uneasy inteet.

Then he says, 'Samuel, he says, very friendly now inteet, 'Samuel, could you get a nice large lot of tiamonts for an American customer I expect here soon? And I say, 'Of course I can. 'Enough, he says, 'to fit out a rich man's wife that is, to pegin. He is not long rich, and he will want more soon ah, she will make him pay! But to pegin a good fit-out of tiamonts, eh?

Volunteers were evidently not over plentiful. It was a considerable time before he came back with a Welshman, Evan Morgan, and a young Cornishman, John Trevna, and neither of them seemed over eager for the job. "For, see you," had been Morgan's view, "coing in a hole after a man what hass a gun iss not a nice pissness, no inteet!" and the Cornishman agreed with him.

"My name will pe McBess, Allister McBess!" cried the rubicund personage, grasping a rather unwilling hand and shaking it wildly, "Allister McBess, oh yes, inteet, an' they will pe telling me you will pe a real Hielanman, though how coult a Hielanman pe hafing such a name as Egerton, it is a missery to me, whatefer!" There was no mistaking the good feeling in Catchach's beaming countenance.

"It iss better to sit here two, three days till he comse out than to go in and get yourself killt, yes inteet!" was the burden of Evan Morgan's answer to all their arguments for a speedy assault. And "Iss, sure!" was Trevna's curt, complete endorsement.

Fhery goot inteet! you haf peen suppering at Killiecrankie, and now you would pe after breakfasting at Tunkeld? By Cot, you shall haf it!" And Rory drew his claymore. They were not ill-matched. Both were big men, both of gigantic strength, both skilled swordsmen.

"I know that as well as you do, madam!" said the constable; "but I make it a principle to do nothing without a warrant: here's my warrant." "Oh, shave me! the lace is hers inteet!" cried Betty Williams, pointing to Miss Warwick. "Oh, miss is my mistress inteet "

It's a Welsh name inteet, and as old as the hills." "Never mind what he is English or Scotch or Welsh." "Or Irish," put in one of those who had spoken. "Or Irish," said old Bostock; "he's as fine a lad as ever stepped, I say, and I'd take it kindly if one of you would take my watch to-night, for I want to hang about ready to do anything the doctor may want in the way o' lifting or fetching water.

Fwhat will this creatur pe tat will pe approaching in such ways and manners pefore a Hieland shentleman?" cried the Highlander with a snort, giving an extra cock to his bonnet. "I am an unworthy follower of Christ, our spiritual Redeemer, and a soldier of King William, our temporal deliverer; and I stand here to bid you make good your profane boasting." "Fhery goot inteet!