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Perhaps they felt an awkward consciousness of the incongeniality of such proceedings with our republican institutions. By order of the Committee the vacation of the African schools did not commence until the day after the procession of the white pupils; and a note to the instructer intimated that the pupils were not expected to appear on the Common.

Pinnock's book is excellent, and the historical memoranda, which follow the account of each country, are highly interesting, and tend to enliven the study of geography, while they furnish a fund of instruction to the learner. "On the whole, this multum in parvo, for such it pre-eminently is, is calculated to become a universal instructer in the knowledge of the earth.

"'You know, dear Nanette, how dreadful hoarse I am. "'Why, my dear Marie, I am as hoarse as you are. "'I sing so badly! "'O, my dear child; do begin! "To tell the truth, the talent of the Misses Rodelein is not the smallest. I have been an instructer here only five years, and little short of two years in the Rodelein family.

It was not long, therefore, before the most forward of his pupils began to discover that they knew more than their instructer and the natural consequences contempt and insubordination speedily followed. Meantime the qualifications and efforts of Mrs. Wheelwright, in the other branch of the institute, were presently discovered to be equally, even if not more, defective and profitless.

At length the woman's eyes were opened; she had a glimpse of the glory of her divine Instructer through the influence of that grace which is effectual in its operations, and imparts those perceptions which cannot be otherwise possessed. Happy for us if we have been led to discern the exalted character and excellencies of the Son of God!

The clergyman respected the family, and he remonstrated with the instructer; but while the latter admitted the injustice of the thing, he excused himself by saying such a step would occasion the loss of all his white scholars. In a town adjoining Boston, a well behaved colored boy was kept out of the public school more than a year, by vote of the trustees.

Among the former, indeed, few instances can be adduced, in addition to that of Areta, the daughter of Aristippus, who fixed upon her son the surname of Μητροδιδακτος, or disciple of his mother, in consequence of her having been his instructer in the sciences and philosophy.

How unworthy of one who performs the high function of a religious instructer, upon whom depend, in a great measure, the religious knowledge and devotional sentiment and final character of many fellow beings, to imagine that he can worthily discharge this great concern by occasionally talking for an hour, he knows not how, and in a manner which he has taken no pains to render correct, impressive, or attractive; and which, simply through want of that command over himself which study would give, is immethodical, verbose, inaccurate, feeble, trifling.

Accordingly, as he had been announced to the settlers as their religious instructer and guide, he spent the remainder of the week in visits to their families, and in seeking that personal acquaintance with them, without which, he well knew that general instruction would be of little use; but, he observes, "with what trembling should I call this flock mine!"

And it is our privilege, as well as duty, to remember the place of our spiritual birth, the instructer of our infant piety, the guide of our religious inquiries, and all "the way in which the Lord our God has led us in the wilderness."