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Then he seemed to stumble, and in two swift leaps he had gained the inner side of the walk and had darted into the inset of the saloon. He was out of sight in a flash. As if by some feat in legerdemain Harboro's weapon was in his hand; but it was a hand that trembled slightly. He had allowed Fectnor to gain an advantage. He stared fixedly at that place where Fectnor had disappeared.

Behind it the 1st and the 2nd British Corps fell back upon the line Cambrai to Landrecies. The small inset map shows how the various points in this two days' retreat stood to one another.

When the color ceased to increase, Carse pulled the second switch, and moved close to the grille inset in a small panel above the case. Slowly, gently he said into the grille: "Master Scientist Cram, Professors Estapp and Geinst, Doctors Swanson and Norman I wish to talk to you. I am Captain Carse, friend of Master Scientist Eliot Leithgow.

Nicholas' Church its great east window; but, on its needing repair in 1860, it was removed entirely, and the present one, in memory of Dr. Ions, inserted; and the only fragment left of Thornton's window is a small circular piece inset in a plain glass window in the Cathedral. He gave much money to Hexham Abbey also.

All three were shaded in a smoke-blue and rose-color effect that long since had caught my fancy for night work; the shades inset with imitation semi-precious stones, rough-cut things of sapphire, tourmaline-pink and baroque pearl. I lay emphasis upon this, to make clear how normal, serene and even familiar in effect was the room into which I came.

You got a black eye out of him, and that's for publication. We can't have this reign of terror, Mr. Malone. We must bring the man to his bearings. I'll have a leaderette on him to-morrow that will raise a blister. Just give me the material and I will engage to brand the fellow for ever. Professor Munchausen how's that for an inset headline?

The great brown wall pricked with holes like an enormous wasp's nest, the ruined watch-towers, and the soaring, honey-coloured minaret with its intricate carvings, its marble pillars, its tiles and inset enamels iridescent as a Brazilian beetle's wing, all gleamed with a splendour that was an enchantment, in the fire of sunset.

It seemed to be a coign plucked out of an old French château, and inset here like a rare plant in an old stone wall.

So insistent was he that F. finally accepted an ebony walking-stick, and I an ebony knife inset with ivory. If we had been the least bit unscrupulous, I am afraid the relatives at home would have missed their African souvenirs.

And she beheld that around the neck of the lady was a necklace of gold, inset with opal stones and emeralds; and she perceived that the lady's face was like ivory very white and clear and that her eyes, which were very bright, shone like jewels set into ivory.