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"Well, I don't believe I like being married, anyway," she fretted; "I like going out to the toll-house for ice-cream better." Her uncertainty made Blair still more impatient to finance his journey; and that day, just after dinner, he and Nannie stood quaking at the dining-room door. "I-I-I'll do it," Blair gasped, with trembling valor. He was very little, and his eyes were dilating with fright.

There was no surgeon in town, and the wounds were bleeding profusely, when Brashear went to him, and proposed to dress the wounds. Tolls stuttered badly, and replied, "I-I-I'll d-d-die first." "I can do no more," said Brashear, and, bowing, left the ground. This chivalry of character characterized him in everything.

"Let me in there, Grand!" grated the man outside. "I'll attend to this. We can't have you bothering with the finances " "I'll kick that door in," roared Braddock; "and I'll kill somebody!" Colonel Grand picked up the treasurer's revolver. He smiled indulgently. "I'm taking care of the money after this, Brad." "I own this show, damn you! I-I-I'll fix you!" sputtered the other. He began to cry.

"I-I-I'll do it for you." He got it wrong, which elicited a bursting giggle from me. Fillet turned on me like a barking dog. "Go to your place, boy, and take your vulgar guffaws with you!" Surprised at Fillet's taking it to heart in this way, I went, much abashed, to my seat, and tried to control my fit of giggling. But it so possessed me that finally it made a very horrible noise in my nose.