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Indeed, one often financed a hustler who had no capital, and kept an honest man who had lost a crop on his feet; but the risk was great, and one felt the strain when there was rust and autumn frost. One bright afternoon Keller stood on the sidewalk in front of the store. He was not old, but his hair was gray and his face was pinched.

But the robin is a hustler, probably the most enterprising of all our birds. I recall a mother robin that, in late June, repaired a nest in a climbing rosebush which her first brood had vacated only a week before. A brood of wood thrushes which left their nest about the same time was still being fed by their parents about the place.

"I am quite aware that it seems so, but I can make it worth your while." "How?" "By bringing you business. I can put in your hands now a will case involving an estate of fifty thousand dollars, and further on probably a much more important case." "You seem to be a hustler." "I am." "Where has your professional life been spent?" asked Norcross. "At Elmira. Now I wish to remove to this city.

Perplexed, the Englishwoman frowned, and then, with delight at her own perspicuity, laughed aloud. "I know," she cried, "in your country you are what they call a 'hustler'! Is that right?" She waved them away. "Take Mrs. Adair over there," she commanded, "and tell her all the news from home. Tell her about the railroad accidents and 'washouts' and the latest thing in lynching."

But they were too quick for me, and here I am. Jules is a hustler on the march. But he said he'd stop here and let me see you and dad as we go up to Fort Desire, and there, don't mind, Sis don't mind it so!" Her sobs had ceased, but she clung to him as if she could never let him go. Her father stood near her, all the lines in his face deepened into bitterness.

"You have no outfit." "I've got a job. Behold your nephew, Christopher Smoke Bellew! He's got a job! He's a gentleman's man! He's got a job at a hundred and fifty per month and grub. He's going down to Dawson with a couple of dudes and another gentleman's man camp-cook, boatman, and general all-around hustler. And O'Hara and The Billow can go to the devil. Good-bye."

If I get there some of these corporations that knocked me out afore will squeal you hear me! No, you don't spend no money on me. I wish you could git out and hustle, though. But you ain't no hustler, nohow. Want any drug laws passed?" Corkey must do the greater part of the talking. He sits beside the bed carrying an atmosphere of sympathy that the feverish lover needs.

And, by the way, I had a long talk with Mr. Bannon. He's a fine man." Grady had seated himself on the step below Peterson. Now for the first time he looked at him. "He's a good hustler," said Peterson. "Well, that's what passes for a fine man, these days, though mistakes are sometimes made that way. But how does it happen that you're not down there superintending?

"Engle is telling everybody that the horse ain't quite ready," persisted the hustler. "Of course they don't want everybody betting on him and spoiling the price." "He's doing 'em a kindly act without knowing it," said Old Man Curry. "That's 'bout the only way he'll ever do one, Frank, unbeknownst like." "You're not betting on this one?" asked the Kid. "Not a thin dime's worth.

"We'd better get a move on," counseled Frank. "The corp is a hustler, and he'll have that squad together before we know it." "Hello, what's this?" exclaimed Bart, as they came to a part of the barrack grounds where they caught a glimpse of the road beyond. Two men were engaged in a heated conversation.