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The array after a while came into view of the two upon the house of the Hurs.

A soldier drew her away; whereupon she sprang up and rushed through the gateway and passage into the vacant court-yard. "Let her go," the officer shouted. "We will seal the house, and she will starve." The men resumed their work, and, when it was finished there, passed round to the west side. That gate was also secured, after which the palace of the Hurs was lost to use.

The servants of Balthasar had deserted their master; but when all was over, the two Galileans bore the old man in his litter back to the city. It was a sorrowful procession that entered the south gate of the palace of the Hurs about the set of sun that memorable day. About the same hour the body of the Christ was taken down from the cross.

Last night, I give you my honour, I heard every one of the confounded hurs toll, except the last, when I was dreaming of my father, and the chambermaid woke me with a hot water jug." "Did she scald you? What a cruel chambermaid! I see you have shaven the mustachios off." "Farintosh asked me whether I was going in the army," said Clive, "and she laughed. I thought I had best dock them.

So, with a cunning partly due to Messala, the Roman, under color of punishing a brood of assassins, smoothed a path to confiscation of the estate of the Hurs, of which no portion ever reached the imperial coffers.

So, too, to be helpful when the inquiry should come up, we ventured the elaborate description of the palace of the Hurs.

A little pressing of the clew, together with some shrewd comparison of dates, led to the sad assurance that the sufferers were the Hurs, and left the old questions darker than ever. Where were they? And what had become of them?

It will be remembered, doubtless, that the faithful creature, the morning the calamity overtook the Hurs, broke from the guard and ran back into the palace, where, along with other chattels, she had been sealed up. During the years following, Simonides kept her supplied; so she was there now, sole occupant of the great house, which, with all his offers, Gratus had not been able to sell.

Their palace was sealed up, and is now a rookery for pigeons; the estate was confiscated; everything that could be traced to the ownership of the Hurs was confiscated. The procurator cured his hurt with a golden salve." The passengers laughed. "You mean he kept the property," said one of them. "They say so," the Hebrew replied; "I am only telling a story as I received it.

What the story was the reader can arrive at with sufficient certainty when told that the narrator was one of the men who had held torches for the commandant of the Tower of Antonia when, down in cell VI., the Hurs were found. The particulars of the finding were all told, and she heard them, with the names of the prisoners, and the widow's account of herself.