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Having risen himself by slow degrees, he thought that every man in trade should have what he called "the rough as well as the smooth." He saw that his new foreman bore the rough well; and therefore he was now inclined to give him some of the smooth. James, who was extremely fond of his brother Frank, called upon him and took him to Mrs. Hungerford's, to ask Fanny to accompany them in this walk.

I tell you, man sinning or not was meant to be woman's master and lover, and just as much one as the other." At this point Hungerford's manner underwent a slight change, and he continued: "Marmion, I wouldn't have come near you, only I noticed you have altered your course, and are likely to go on a fresh tack. It isn't my habit to worry a man. I gave you a signal, and you didn't respond at first.

Hungerford's, and taking a polite leave of the Falconer family. Here was a death-blow to all Georgiana's hopes! But we shall not stay to describe her disappointment, or the art of her mother in concealing it; nor shall we accompany Mrs. Falconer to town, to see how her designs upon the Clays or Petcalf prospered. We must follow Count Altenberg to Hungerford Castle.

Hungerford's absence, Gertrude's meekness she was a silent and conscience-stricken young lady all combined to strengthen Daniel's resolution, and he was, for the first time in years, the actual head of the household. He took active charge of the bills and financial affairs, he commanded Azuba to do this and that, he saw the callers who came and he sent them to the rightabout in a hurry.

Black about this Monty, will you?" "Sartin, if you want me to. But what do you care about Percy Hungerford's friends?" "I don't about his friends." With which enigmatical remark she moved away to join Cousin Percy, who had just entered the room. During the next three days, Daniel's feeling that his daughter was neglecting him grew stronger than ever.

Hungerford's suggestion, had been hired for the occasion. The butler's serving was done with grace and elegance, not to mention dignity. Azuba served as if the main object to be attained was to provide each guest with as much food as possible in the shortest possible time.

Colonel Ryder was estimating the amount he would wager if he were in the habit of betting that the 'Fulvia' could not turn round in her tracks in twenty minutes, while he parenthetically endorsed Hungerford's remarks to me though he was ignorant of them that lascars should not be permitted on English passenger ships.

Hungerford's select library, and delighted to read the passages which had been marked with approbation. At other times, without disturbing the rest of the company, or being disturbed by them, Caroline enjoyed the opportunity of cultivating her talents for music and painting, with the assistance of her two friends, who eminently excelled in these accomplishments.

Mortimer darted upon Captain Hungerford's name in the Gazette "And I cannot refrain from mentioning to your lordships the gallant manner in which I was seconded by Captain Hungerford." "Happy mother that I am! And more happiness still a letter also from my colonel! Thanks of commanding officer gallant conduct abroad leave of absence for three weeks and will be here to-morrow!"

Colonel Ryder was estimating the amount he would wager if he were in the habit of betting that the 'Fulvia' could not turn round in her tracks in twenty minutes, while he parenthetically endorsed Hungerford's remarks to me though he was ignorant of them that lascars should not be permitted on English passenger ships.