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She got fighty over that, and wouldn't let the school out and wait for good weather, so I went out and told the Boyle kids to hit for home. Humpin' cats, somebody had to do something! "So then the Scotch come out strong in the girl, and I made her go home too. If I see 'em in that shack to-morrow, and the weather like it is and like it's going to be, I'll send 'em home again.

Wouldn't I like to plant a lot of hop seed and see rows of little green beer bottles humpin' up the dirt. Oh, my! What all does she want done?" Dannie turned another spadeful of earth and studied the premises, while Jimmy gathered the worms. "Palins all on the fence?" asked Dannie. "Yep," said Jimmy. "Well, the yard is to be raked." "Yep." "The flooer beds spaded." "Yep."

Tom did not reply. He had lighted a second match and was studying attentively the data in Burt Brownlee's book. The third match told him enough to convince him. He gave a snort when darkness enveloped them again. "I sharpened my pencil pretty darn fine when I made out my bill against the Black Rim a few years ago and by the humpin' hyenas, these figures here kinda go to show I overcharged 'em.

I been pretty patient with yuh, Al. You're growing up fast, and you're feeling your oats. I make allowances, all kinds. But by the humpin' hyenas, don't you start in telling me where to head in at with my own outfit! If you do, I'll jest about wear out a willer switch on yuh!" This to a youth almost old enough to vote was dire insult. Al pulled up his horse.

Ef ever you see Retief on one trail, jest hit right off on to another. That's good sound sense right through fur you. Say, work on that, an' you ain't like to come to no harm. But I swear, right hyar, ef you an' me ever come to close quarters I'll perforate you 'less you git the drop on me. An' to do that'll keep you humpin'. So long, pard.

When Pubby had explained for the third time that he had never had the pleasure of playing the game, Bangs finally got on to the curves in his pronunciation and understood him. "What! Never played poker!" he whooped. "Hell a humpin', where was you raised? You sure ain't a college man? Any lop-eared galoot that didn't play poker in Siwash would get run out by the Faculty.

"Only that he thinks he hooked the tools and lost 'em again. Wisht you'd run out in the mo'nin', son, and see what's doin'. I got to go out to the ranch." "I'll drive out to-night and take Dave with me if he feels up to it. Then we'll know the foreman keeps humpin'." "Fine and dandy." The cattleman turned to Sanders. "But I reckon you better stay right here and rest up.

"The Lorrigans have been called plenty of things, fur back as I can remember, but by the humpin' hyenas, they never was called easy marks before!" That was Tom's last comment on the subject. Belle, not liking the look on his face, because she knew quite well what it portended, passed him two kinds of preserves and changed the subject. Al and Duke presently left for the bunk house.

"'This is what that shorthorn does which teaches me he's learnin'. While he's humpin' off up the canyon, an' me an' Jaybird an' Tutt is stampedin' along in pursoot, the fugitive throws loose his six- shooter, an' without even turnin' his head or lookin' back at us, he onhooks the entire bundle of lead our way. "Which the worst feature of it is, this backhanded, blind shootin' is a winner.

Stid of kickin' up a row all along the banks it jest ain't nowhere when you look for it! Only the lake riled for a few furlongs off shore an' kinder humpin' up in the middle. An' arter a day or two ye come back an' look agin, an' where's the rile? All settled to the bottom, an' the lake as clear as a looking-glass.