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Bad form, I grant you, but then they scarcely knew what they were doing, for they were in an ecstasy of suspense and excitement. The cry became formidable. "Put Ray on." My face felt as if it had been scorched at the fire. One boy roared out: "Hoo-Ray, hoo-Ray, hoo-blooming-Ray!" The crowd laughed, and, while many inquired of one another: "What did he say?

I think they were the brightest eyes I ever saw as keen and intelligent as a wicked old woman's, withal as trustful and cheery as the eyes of a setter pup. "HOO-ray!" Thus the Honorable Mr. Beasley, waving a handkerchief thrice around his head and thrice cheering. And the child, in that cricket's voice of his, replied: "Br-r-ra-vo!" This was the form of salutation familiarly in use between them.

There was smashing in of window and crashing in of door, There was chivvying of weasels that fainted on the floor, When the Toad came home! Bang! go the drums! The trumpeters are tooting and the soldiers are saluting, And the cannon they are shooting and the motor-cars are hooting, As the Hero comes! Shout Hoo-ray!

And so in a few minutes, by their united exertions, a hole was scraped around Cricket's arm, and she could bring up the object she was grasping. "What is it?" cried the excited little twins. Cricket plunged both hands under the object, and, if you'll believe me, she actually brought up a little buckskin money-bag. "Hoo-ray!" she shrieked, wild with delight at her discovery.

They all looked around the room, but of course did not see her. "In what part of this room is she?" was the Wizard's next question. "In Button-Bright's pocket," said the little Pink Bear. This reply amazed them all, you may be sure, and although the three girls smiled and Scraps yelled: "Hoo-ray!" in derision, the Wizard seemed to consider the matter with grave thoughtfulness.

'Hoo-ray! exclaimed Captains Quod and Cutitfat, who now came panting up. 'Now, Mr. Watchorn! cried Captain Seedeybuck, adding, 'You're a huntsman! 'Yooi over, Prosperous! Yooi over, Buster! cheered Watchorn, still pretending anxiety about his hounds. 'Let me have a shy, squeaked George Cheek, backing his giraffe, as he had seen Mr. Sponge and Miss Glitters do.

History was too exhausted to object even to being left alone, and managed to sink into the friendly cover of the bush without being observed. And Tug went right into a mob of them, crying with a fine defiance the old yell of the Athletic Club: "L`¨¡y-krim! L`¨¡y-krim! L`¨¡y-krim! Hoo-ray!"

And he was masterful: still, Beasley and Dowden and I were never directly chidden for insubordination, though made to wince painfully by the look of troubled surprise that met us when we were not quick enough to catch his meaning. The order of the day with him always began with the "HOO-ray" and "BR-R-RA-vo" of greeting; after which we were to inquire, "Who's with us to-day?"

Dere's cutt'roat Langdon up again; here he comes back, looking as tough he'd been fired fer splint de crook! Hello! it's all right Hoo-ray! Lauzanne gits de race!" For already the cry of "All right!" was ringing through the betting ring. "Come on, pard," called Old Bill, eagerly, to Mortimer; "let's go an' rake down de dough."

Something speckled and glistening dropped on the ground at least ten feet from the brook, where it lay floundering and gasping. "Hoo-ray!" yelled Greg, with all his pent-up enthusiasm. "Do that again, Holmesy, and I'll chase you back into camp," warned Dick, with his patient smile. Then he stepped ashore, took the trout from the line and impaled it on a stick, which he gave Greg to carry.