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All these creatures, I was assured, would afterwards be given away as return-presents for the hongos or presents received from the king's visitors. No wonder the tribes of Africa are mixed breeds. Amongst the officers in waiting was my friend Budja, the ambassador that had been sent to Unyoro with Kidgwiga, Kamrasi's deputy. He had returned three days before, but had not yet seen the king.

This brought on another row; for he said both Virembo and Vikora had returned their hongos, and until their tongues were quieted he could not speak to Suwarora. Only too glad to being work I gave him a red blanket, called joho, and five strings of mzizima beads, which were equal to fifty of the common white. 8th and 9th.

Value. 10 Beluches' wages, 150 shukkas, or 4 cubits apiece merikani, 100 dols. 10 Beluches' rations, given in advance, 30 lb. white beads, 5 15 Pagazis' wages, 75 shukkas merikani, 50 26 Men, including self, rations, 60 lb. white beads, 10 2 Pagazis, extra wages, 7 shukkas of merikani and kiniki mixed, 5 6 Sultans' hongos or presents, 22 shukkas of merikani and kiniki, mixed, 16 6 Do. Do.

From all I can gather, there is no fixed revenue paid to these sultans; all their perquisites are occasional hongos received from travellers; a percentage on all foreign seizures, whether by battle or plunder; and a certain part of all windfalls, such as a share of the sportsman's game-bag, in the shape of elephants' tusks or flesh, or the skins of any wild animals; otherwise they live by the sweat of the brow of their slaves, in tilling their ground, tending their cattle, or trafficking for them in slaves and ivory.

I again urged Lumeresi to help on Grant, saying it was incumbent on him to call M'yonga to account for maltreating Grant's porters, who were his own subjects, else the road would be shut up he would lose all the hongos he laid on caravans and he would not be able to send his own ivory down to the coast.