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"Another bearing his own name, just on the threshold of manhood, his heart beating high with hope, falls into the dust; but above the cries of early widowhood and the desolation of that dark day, I hear the patriarch's prayer, commending children, and children's children, to the Divine sympathy. "But a deeper shadow fell across the old home-stead.

'Though past question we have good Gods Jullundur-way, said the cultivator's wife, looking out of the window. 'See how they have blessed the crops. 'To search every river in the Punjab is no small matter, said her husband. 'For me, a stream that leaves good silt on my land suffices, and I thank Bhumia, the God of the Home-stead. He shrugged one knotted, bronzed shoulder.

He had spent the first few days in the room with his stricken mother, almost as unconscious as herself of what was going on about him; and indeed his nature had experienced a shock only less serious. Meantime, Rotha undertook the management of the home-stead. None ever disputed her authority.

"I shall not be swallowed up swimming," said Grettir; "but henceforward I shall trust the thrall the worse for this, so much as lies hereon." Now the shortest way to the mainland from the island, was a sea-mile long. <i>Grettir at the home-stead of Reeks</i>.

Oak went to the recumbent form of Matthew Moon, who usually undertook the rough thatching of the home-stead, and shook him. The shaking was without effect. Gabriel shouted in his ear, "where's your thatching-beetle and rick-stick and spars?" "Under the staddles," said Moon, mechanically, with the unconscious promptness of a medium.

So far as anything that Keith knew to the contrary, his father was still painting unsalable pictures in the Burton home-stead studio. But even these were not all the letters that spring.

The low-lying horizons looked infinitely far off; the sense of space was confusing. Here and there appeared a home-stead, backed with a "break-wind" of thickly-planted trees; but the general impression was of vast, still distance, endless reaches of sky, and uncounted flowers growing for their own pleasure and with no regard for human observation.

We might lament this loss more if we did not remember that Shakespeare found our language ample for his needs, and that a considerable number of the old compounds still survive, as home-stead, man-hood, in-sight, break-fast, house-hold, horse-back, ship-man, sea-shore, hand-work, and day-light. Introduction of New Words and Loss of Old Ones.