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At an elevation of between 600 and 700 feet this basin is surrounded on all sides by rugged stony hills, excepting to the south and south-east, in which direc tion it falls into the valley of the Hindmarsh and Currency Creek respectively.

"I have the honour to state, that at the commencement of the colony, her Majesty's storeship 'Buffalo' was brought out by the then governor, Captain Hindmarsh, to be detained here nine months for the protection and convenience of the colonists.

Lieutenants Grey and Lushington on the West Coast Narrow escape Start with an equipment of Timor ponies Grey wounded by the natives Cave drawings Return, having discovered the Glenelg Grey's second expedition Landed at Bernier Island, in Shark's Bay, with three whale-boats Cross to borne Island Violent storm Discovery of the Gascoyne Return to Bernier Island Find their CACHE of provisions destroyed by a hurricane Hopeless position Attempted landing at Gautheaume Bay Destruction of the boats Walk to Perth Great sufferings Death of Smith Eyre and the overlanders Discovery of Lake Hindmarsh Exploration of Gippsland Eyre's explorations to the north Discovery of Lake Torrens Disappointment in the country bordering on it Determines to go to King George's Sound Repeated attempts to reach the head of the Great Australian Bight Loss of horses Barren and scrubby country Final determination to send back most of the party Starts with overseer and three natives Hardship and suffering Murder of the overseer by two of the natives Eyre continues his journey with the remaining boy Relieved by the MISSISSIPPI whaler Reaches King George's Sound.

From Mitchell's furthest point he traced it some considerable distance to the north-west, and at last found its termination in a large swampy lake, which he named Lake Hindmarsh, after the first Governor of South Australia. From this lake he found no outlet; so, leaving his cattle, and taking with him two men, he made an effort to reach the Murray.

Vincent's Gulf, and selected the site of the present city of Adelaide; Governor Hindmarsh and a company of emigrants soon after arrived, and the colony of South Australia was proclaimed. The continent was now being invaded on three sides. From Perth on the western shore, from St.

He settled many on small farms or stations of their own, but in this he was greatly impeded by the high price of land; for Wakefield's friends in England were not yet convinced that their favourite scheme was defective they attributed every mishap to the incompetence of Governors Hindmarsh and Gawler.

The first three miles of the road lay over stony ridges; and the next eighteen traversed the worst part of the province, a sandy, scrubby, slightly undulating country, about five hundred feet above the sea. We were glad to find ourselves descending from this wearisome sterile tract upon some rich flats at the head of the river Hindmarsh, named after the first governor of the colony.

The he outflow and courses of rivers being determined, and the speculations of their first discoveries corrected or confirmed; as instance of this, may be mentioned the discovery of Lake Hindmarsh, which receives the Wimmera, River, the course of which had puzzled Mitchell when he discovered it in July, 1836. Eyre left Port Phillip for Adelaide early in 1838.

This certainly may be said of Thebarton, Hindmarsh, Boden, and several other villages, but those of Richmond, and Kensington, embosomed in trees, and picturesque in scenery, bear a strong resemblance to the quiet and secluded villages of England. In Hindmarsh, Mr.

When I left the colony in May last, several tolerable buildings had been erected in Albert Town, but it was nevertheless a wretched looking and straggling place, and will never perhaps advance beyond its present state. On his nearer approach to the capital the traveller will pass between the villages of Boden and Hindmarsh, in both of which he will observe numerous kilns of bricks.