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Gordon was swayed by no such business scruples as the Heidlemanns; he was evidently making a desperate effort to secure a footing at any cost. In purchasing the McDermott holdings he had executed a coup of considerable importance, for he had placed himself on equal footing with the Trust and in position to profit by its efforts at harbor-building without expense to himself.

"No wonder you didn't get the contract from the Heidlemanns if your estimate was thirty million." "I didn't put in a figure." Tom looked surprised. "Why didn't you? You know them." "I was like the little boy who didn't go to the party I wasn't asked." The speaker's expression showed that his pride had been hurt and discouraged further questioning.

He's swung in behind us and the Heidlemanns. Now it's a three-sided race, with us in the lead. Mellen just brought in the news half an hour ago; he was on his way down from the glaciers when he ran into a field party of Gordon's surveyors. Looks like trouble ahead if they try to crowd through the canon alongside of us." "He must believe Kyak Bay will make a safe harbor." "Don't say it!

He made me hate the Heidlemanns and detest myself for five minutes. I wasn't even sure I liked YOU, Murray." "It's a wild scheme, of course," continued the doctor, "but he's putting it over. The town council has granted him a ninety-nine- year lease covering every street; the road-bed is started, and things are booming.

Why, he went to Cortez last week and they threatened his life!" Mrs. Gordon, who had listened, said, quietly: "Don't blame Curtis for that. That bloody affray at Beaver Canyon has made Cortez bitter against every one connected with the Heidlemanns." "What about this blackmail?" said her husband, upon whose ear the word had made a welcome impression.

When they were back in camp he said: "Of course you know why I'm here?" "Your card told me that, but I don't need the Heidlemanns now." "We are prepared to reopen negotiations." "Why?" "My people are human; they have feelings. You read Gordon's lies about us and about that fight at Beaver Canon?

Gordon reasoned shrewdly that a struggle between the agents of the Trust and the patriotic citizens of the town would afford him precisely the advertising he needed and give point to his charge of unfair play against the Heidlemanns. It was not difficult to incite his victims to this act of robbery.

At this his hearer very naturally wished to know why, if the bridge were indeed feasible, the Heidlemanns delayed action; and O'Neil had to fall back upon a recital of the facts, realizing perfectly that they failed to carry conviction.

"Understand, I'm on the side of your enemies," she warned him. "So is everybody else," Mr. Trevor laughed; "but that's because we're misunderstood." "The intentions of any Trust warrant suspicion." He shrugged. "The Heidlemanns are just ordinary business men, like O'Neil, looking for investment.

"Of course." "Now what have the Heidlemanns done?" "It's not what they have done; it's what they're going to do. They're trying to grab Alaska." Dr. Gray shook his head impatiently, but before he could make answer Tom Slater entered and broke into the conversation by announcing: "I've spotted him, Doc. His name is Linn, and he's Gordon's hand.