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"He cannot marry you," said Sarah, resolved, with a sort of rude nobleness, to persevere in what she felt to be a duty; "I don't say anything about money, because that does not always signify. But he cannot marry you, because because people who are hedicated one way never marry those who are hedicated and brought up in another.

"Ah, dear dame," said Paul, "we can't help these rubs and stumbles on our road to preferment!" "Road to the scragging-post!" cried the dame. "I tells you, child, you'll live to be hanged in spite of all my care and 'tention to you, though I hedicated you as a scholard, and always hoped as how you would grow up to be an honour to your " "King and country," interrupted Paul.

"He cannot marry you," said Sarah, resolved, with a sort of rude nobleness, to persevere in what she felt to be a duty; "I don't say anything about money, because that does not always signify. But he cannot marry you, because because people who are hedicated one way never marry those who are hedicated and brought up in another.

"Ah, dear dame," said Paul, "we can't help these rubs and stumbles on our road to preferment!" "Road to the scragging-post!" cried the dame. "I tells you, child, you'll live to be hanged in spite of all my care and 'tention to you, though I hedicated you as a scholard, and always hoped as how you would grow up to be an honour to your " "King and country," interrupted Paul.