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I am as bure-minded as a child, and I haf heardt den thousand fillainous sdories. Vot does it madder? The rivets of Paul's armour rotted, as the rivets of most men's armour rot, and he grew to tolerate what had been abominable. And that is the way of life, which is a series of declensions from high ideals, and is meant to be so because things must be lost before their worth can be known.

Some doay Oi'll tell yez about th' big shnakes we hiv in Oireland. Oi hivn't toime to-night." "Und I vill dell you apoud der big Injuns vot dere vos der Rhine on, in Shermany," said Hans. "Maype you haf heardt uf dose poem enditled 'Big Injun on der Rhine, ain'd id?" "Oh, well, that's all right!" said Ned, with a wave of his hand, as if he was not quite pleased.

Tell us again, Ikey, apout shootin' de camouflage off de German raider-poat, de Graf von Posen. Mebby-so de lady ain't heardt apout it yet. I didn't see it in de paper meinselluf." So Ikey, thus urged, spun the most wonderful yarns regarding his adventures; and he was not obliged to "draw the long bow"; for the experiences of him and his three friends had been exciting indeed. Mr.

"'I will segond your motion wid all mine heardt, said Handel.

"Pardon," I murmured; "did you spe' has any one been speaking and I have failed to give attention?" "O no, sir! I sink not! Vell, you are velcome to all you haf heardt; but I am ve'y much oblige' to you for yo' 'hmm. It vas se right sing in se right place. But do you not sink I shouldt haf been a pre-eacheh? I love to preach."