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"Oh, Elmer I was only a child when I was engaged to Millard " "That's a fact. And you went on being one a good while afterward. The Apex Eagle always head-lined you 'The child-bride' " "I can't see what's the use now ." "That ruled out of court too? See here. Undine what CAN we talk about? I understood that was what we were here for." "Of course." She made an effort at recovery.

"He is sulky," thought Thuillier, "and if he is innocent, he may well be. But, after all, why did he ever bring a man like that Cerizet here?" Then to hide his embarrassment and the preoccupation of his mind, he sat down before the editor's table, took a sheet of the head-lined paper and made himself write a letter.

He had not meant to begin in this way; but the moment was too big for him when Clo switched on an electric lamp, and the light framed her in silver. Justin silently moved away, leaving the two to make acquaintance as Fate led. Next morning the newspapers all over the country were head-lined with a new sensation. Mrs.

Dodd; it'll be telegraphed by the column, and head-lined, and frothed up, and denied by authority, and it'll hit bogus Captain Trent in a Mexican bar-room, and knock over bogus Goddedaal in a slum somewhere up the Baltic, and bowl down Hardy and Brown in sailors' music halls round Greenock. O, there's no doubt you can have a regular domestic Judgment Day.

He supposed that with the putting away of this document he was thrusting the whole subject out of sight; but not more than a fortnight later, as he sat in the Subway on his way down-town, his eye was caught by his own name on the first page of the heavily head-lined paper which the unshaved occupant of the next seat held between grimy fists.

"There is quite an interesting article in yesterday's Chronicle-Abstract. Have you seen it?" "Yes," said Bartley. "What article?" "This Confessions of an Average American." Witherby held out the paper, where Bartley's article, vividly head-lined and sub-headed, filled half a page. "What is the reason we cannot have something of this kind?" "Well, I don't know," Bartley began.

It was a novel experience to find himself head-lined, on the first page at that; and he was surprised to learn that he was the most notorious leader of the Oakland socialists. He ran over the violent speech the cub reporter had constructed for him, and, though at first he was angered by the fabrication, in the end he tossed the paper aside with a laugh.

An account of her house in the Avenue Henri Martin, and of her portrait in the Salon a mysterious business to many, and not lacking in grandeur for that! had occupied two columns in the Tocsin, on a day, some months before, when Joe had found himself inimically head-lined on the first page, and had dropped the paper without reading further.