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He deposited an old hatbox as a security, which, on being opened by the hotel keeper, was found to be full of greasy paper. At Tetuan, the officer gave himself out as a special envoy of the Emperor of the French. My good friends, the Moors, continue to speculate upon the progress of the French army in Algeria. I asked a Moorish officer what he thought of the rumoured French invasion of Morocco.

Klutchem looked at him in perfect astonishment. "What for?" The colonel's color rose. "That this matter may be settled properly, suh. I insulted you publicly in my office. I wish to apologize in the same way. It is my right, suh." "But I can't walk. Look at that foot, big as a hatbox." "My friends will assist you, suh. I will carry yo' crutches myself. Consider my situation.

His face was not handsome, if one accept the Greek profile as a model of manly beauty, but it was cleanly and boldly cut, healthful, strong and purposeful, based on determined jaws and a chin which would have been obstinate but for the presence of a kindly mouth. A guard deposited at his feet a new hatbox, a battered traveling bag and two gun cases which also gave evidence of rough usage.

"One moment more, please," said Miss Upton, and vanished upstairs. She returned bearing a large hatbox. "Oh, no, Miss Upton!" exclaimed Geraldine as Miss Mehitable had known she would. "Keep that till I come back. It's a seashore hat." "It is not," said Miss Mehitable defiantly. "It is a town hat. She got the present of a beautiful hat, Mrs. Barry "

A faint mist of apple blossoms still clung in spots to the orchard. Lamson carried her poor little effects and the hateful, grandiose hatbox into the living-room where one day she had regained her scattered senses. "You may take these things up to the blue room," Mrs. Barry said to the maid who appeared, "and you will give Miss Melody any assistance she requires."

He got up on the top of a hatbox, on the top of a chair, on the top of his bed, on the top of his table, and looked out to see whether he might escape as the clock kept always ticking and the hands drawing nearer, and nearer, and nearer. But looking out of the window was one thing, and jumping another: and the town clock struck seven.

We're starting from Holborn Viaduct at 9:30 on Friday. I'll write and let you know my impressions, as the pater calls it; and you might let your young sister see them too, if you like. Yours truly, T. Hooker. Paris, August 3. Dear Gus, We had an awful squeak for the train at Holborn, owing to Jim's hatbox falling off the cab and his insisting on going back to pick it up.

"Bert's got Snoop and I've got Downy," answered Freddie, as if the animals were all that counted. "And I've got my hatbox and flowers," added Nan. "And I have my ferns," said little Flossie. "I guess we're all here this time," Mr. Bobbsey finished, for nothing at all seemed to be missing. It was almost nightfall, and the beautiful glow of an ocean sunset rested over the place.

He got up on the top of a hatbox, on the top of a chair, on the top of his bed, on the top of his table, and looked out to see whether he might escape as the clock kept always ticking and the hands drawing nearer, and nearer, and nearer. But looking out of the window was one thing, and jumping another: and the town clock struck seven.

"If we could trouble your Lordship," he said, "to open that hatbox, you will find something that will interest you. Mr. Dory has planned a little surprise for you, in which I have been permitted to help." The women, who gathered that something was happening, came hastening out from the hall. They all crowded round Lord Clenarvon, who was cutting through the leather strap of the hatbox.