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Starling was full of her own cogitations. Diana's thoughts were not like that, hard-twisted and hard-knotted lines of argument, growing harder and more twisted towards their end; but wide flowing and soft changing visions, flowing sweet and free as the clouds borne on the air-currents of heaven; catching such colours, and drifting as insensibly from one form into another.

I should have gone much slower but that I was forced upward by Le Gros, who followed me with the rope's end, with which he struck me behind whenever I made a stop. He delivered his blows with fiendish spite, striking me about the legs and over the posteriors, and trying to hurt me as much as possible. In this he succeeded, for the hard-knotted rope pained me exceedingly.

His limbs were not very large, nor his shoulders remarkably broad; but if you knew as much of the muscles as all persons who look at statues and pictures with a critical eye ought to have learned, if you knew the trapezius, lying diamond-shaped over the back and shoulders like a monk's cowl, or the deltoid, which caps the shoulder like an epaulette, or the triceps, which furnishes the calf of the upper arm, or the hard-knotted biceps, any of the great sculptural landmarks, in fact, you would have said there was a pretty show of them, beneath the white satiny skin of Mr.

I've had cramps before, and I know I'm liable to grab you if these get any worse." Instead, she laid her hands on the hard-knotted muscles, and began to rub and press and bend. "Please," he gritted through his teeth. "You must keep away. Just let me lie out here I'll bend the ankle and toe-joints in the opposite ways and make it pass. I've done it before and know how to work it."

Korak struggled to free himself from his bonds, but even his great strength was unable to cope with the many strands of hard-knotted cord that bound him. While he lay there, working and resting by turns, the elephant stood guard above him, nor was there jungle enemy with the hardihood to tempt the sudden death that lay in that mighty bulk.

His limbs were not very large, nor his shoulders remarkably broad; but if you knew as much of the muscles as all persons who look at statues and pictures with a critical eye ought to have learned, if you knew the trapezius, lying diamond-shaped over the back and shoulders like a monk's cowl, or the deltoid, which caps the shoulder like an epaulette, or the triceps, which furnishes the calf of the upper arm, or the hard-knotted biceps, any of the great sculptural landmarks, in fact, you would have said there was a pretty show of them, beneath the white satiny skin of Mr.

His absence gave me an opportunity to re-examine the little object which I had picked up from the floor at the earlier stages of the inquiry; and advancing to the window I took it from my pocket and looked again at it, utterly confounded. Its appearance presented nothing extraordinary, for it was merely a soft piece of hard-knotted cream-coloured chenille about half-an-inch long.