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Mayest thou, host of the Maruts, be verily seen coming together with Indra, the fearless: you are both happy-making, and of equal splendor. From yonder, O traveller, Indra, come hither, or from the light of heaven; the singers all yearn for it; or we ask Indra for help from here, or from heaven, or from above the earth, or from the great sky.

"Not much yet It is a little, however, sometimes, to know such strong, and beautiful, and happy-making things, and all the time my people, my beloved humans, born of my Father in heaven, with the same heart for joy and sorrow, will not listen and be comforted, I think that was what made our Lord sorriest of all" "Mr. Ingram, I have no patience with you.

I trust these inquiries will not be so much an encumbrance to you, as lead you to happy subjects and more acquaintance with happy-making books. God bless you ever. Yrs affectionately, Christ Church: September 9, 1844. I see in a spiritual writer that even for such, corporal severities are not to be neglected, but so many of them are unsafe.

When the man bows down before a power that can account for him, a power to whom he is no mystery as he is to himself; a power that knows whence he came and whither he is going; who knows why he loves this and hates that, why and where he began to go wrong; who can set him right, longs indeed to set him right, making of him a creature to look up to himself without shadow of doubt, anxiety or fear, confident as a child whom his father is leading by the hand to the heights of happy-making truth, knowing that where he is wrong, the father is right and will set him right; when the man feels his whole being in the embrace of self-responsible paternity then the man is bursting into his flower; then the truth of his being, the eternal fact at the root of his new name, his real nature, his idea born in God at first, and responsive to the truth, the being of God, his origin begins to show itself; then his nature is almost in harmony with itself.

Or is it a sight of such overpowering grandeur as to deprive us of consciousness, and throw us into a state of dreamy inactivity? We shall see. "Beatific Vision" is composed of three Latin words, beatus, happy; facio, I make; and visio, a sight; all of which taken together make up and mean a happy-making sight.

But there they all grew together, healthy, happy, and happy-making, as though rooted in a fathom of black soil. Nor was it only vegetable life that prospered. We had, indeed, few birds, and none that had much of a voice or anything worthy to be called a song. My morning comrade had a thin chirp, unmusical and monotonous, but friendly and pleasant to hear.

But there they all grew together, healthy, happy, and happy-making, as though rooted in a fathom of black soil. Nor was it only vegetable life that prospered. We had, indeed, few birds, and none that had much of a voice or anything worthy to be called a song. My morning comrade had a thin chirp, unmusical and monotonous, but friendly and pleasant to hear.

"Everything," she would answer another time, "is making me happy." "I think I am happiness," she said once. How could she naturally be other than happy, seeing she came of happiness! "Il lieto fattore," says Dante; "whose happy-making sight," says Milton. Mr. Wylder went and dined with sir Wilton and lady Ann. The latter did her poor best to please him, and was successful.

The happy-making vision of things that floods the gaze of the youth, when first he lives in the marvel of loving, and being loved by, a woman, is the true vision and the more likely to be the true one, that, when he gives way to selfishness, he loses faith in the vision, and sinks back into the commonplace unfaith of the beggarly world a disappointed, sneering worshipper of power and money with this remnant of the light yet in him, that he grumbles at the gloom its departure has left behind.