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He was well across the road by the time Miss Black reached the window. "My good land!" exclaimed Tamson again. Later she told her brother-in-law that she cal'lated that Nevada letter was maybe more private than she cal'lated first, and that she bet you she was goin' to look pretty hard at the handwritin' on the NEXT one that come.

An' the upshot was that one evenin', while he was drinkin' tea with his mother in his lovin' light-hearted way, in walks a brace o' constables, an' says, 'William Pinsent, young chap, I arrest thee upon a charge o' counterfeitin' old Gregory's handwritin', which is a hangin' matter!

"I see no sign of man having been here." "Perhaps not, and by good luck neither do the Injuns, for why, they can't read handwritin' as is not meant for 'em, but I know somethin' of the tribe they are after, an' one or two small marks on the trees tell me that they are not far distant. No doubt they will attack the camp at night."

'Thin th' quarantine at Oporto is a farce. An' he plunged into th' seething mass iv handwritin' experts an' ex-prisidents iv th' raypublic in th' coort-yard below." "'Here, says I; an' I'd thread me way with dignity through th' Fr-rinch gin'rals an' ministers on th' flure, an' give me hand to th' prisident to kiss. If he went anny further, I'd break his head.

I never knowed Johnny could " He was frowned into silence by the reader, who went on exuberantly, the lines punctuated by profane gurgles from the author. "Now this here," Bud paused to explain, "was c'lab'rated on by Mary V. The first line was wrote by our 'steemed young friend an' skyrider poet, but the balance is in Mary V's handwritin'. And I claim she's some poet!

"Not meanin' ter be inquisitive or personal, Sister Blossy," a teasing twinkle appearing in his eye, "but this looks dretful familitary, this here handwritin' does. When I run the beach yew've heard me tell of the time I was on the Life-savin' Crew over ter Bleak Hill fer a spell my cap'n he had a fist jest like that. Useter make out the spickest, spannest reports.

Tad was a lively youngster, who liked fun, and, in more ways than one, he was "a thorn in the flesh" unto his aunt. One day he succeeded in seeing Frank, whom he informed that he had put up another joke on his Aunt Nancy. "I've been imertatin' her handwritin' lately," said Tad, "and I've got so I can scrawl jest like her.

But finally he leads me to one side. "Myers is the man, all right," says he. "Course he is," says I. "If he wasn't why would he be so wise as to whose pole it was, or about Otto's handwritin'?" "Ah!" says McCrea, noddin' enthusiastic. "So that was your system in having your friend arrested? You tried out the officers. Very clever!

So jist mind what I say; first spy pokes his nose into your office, chop it off and clap it up over Temple Bar, where they puts the heads of traitors and write these words over, with your own fist, that they may know the handwritin', and not mistake the meanin', This is the nose of a Spy." Nothing is so fatiguing as sight-seeing.

He had charge of the banknotes before the Secretary signs 'em, to make good. Now, here comes in the curious part of it: my friend's handwritin' and the Secretary's handwritin' was that much alike neither man could tell one from t'other. This gives my friend the idee of how to break even with Uncle Sam.