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He stood by to see them dash off, Lady Markland giving him a surprised yet half-relieved look, in the paleness of her anxiety and misery. Then it suddenly became apparent to him that he had done what was best and most delicate, though without meaning it, out of the sudden annoyance which had risen within him.

"Nay, sir," Adam said, in a calmer voice, as if he were half-relieved for he was too straightforward to make a distinction between a direct falsehood and an indirect one "Nay, sir, things don't lie level between Hetty and you. You're acting with your eyes open, whatever you may do; but how do you know what's been in her mind?

As their retreating steps sounded upon the deck, Sybil raised her head from Lyon's breast and looked around with an expression half-frightened, half-relieved, and murmured: "They are gone! They are gone!"

There was obvious distaste on her face. "I wish you would try to be a little brighter for Father's sake," she said. "I don't think you treat him very kindly." It was evident that she spoke from a sense of duty. Mrs. Lorimer straightened herself with another weary sigh. "Run along, my dear!" she said. "I am sure you are busy." Olive turned, half-vexed and half-relieved, and walked to the door.

"It's been in his mind," she thought, half-relieved, and his nervous movements of assumed indifference made it easier for her to go on. "It was kind of her, wasn't it?" she ended. "Yes," Edwards replied, impressively. "Of course you declined." "Oh, yes; but she seemed to expect us all the same." Edwards frowned, but he kept an expectant silence.

"Oh, you'll be glad, I'm betting!" was the answer, half-rueful, half-relieved, for somehow Strong had "taken to" the doctor's guest and to doubting his own. "Those galoots at McDowell let up on their watch, and 'Tonio's walked off 'gone where the woodbine twineth' 'Patchie Sanchez with him!"

If you have no respect for Captain Jim's friendship, you must at least show common decency to her." He burst into a half-relieved, half-hysteric laugh. "Are you crazy?" gasped he. "Why, Captain Jim's just huntin' ME down to make ME marry Polly. That's just what the row's about.

Then he stood up and looked again at the watch on his wrist. "Two hours!" he said briefly, and went back to his work at the other end of the verandah. Stella went back to the drawing-room, half-relieved and half-dismayed.

She kept a strict eye upon the hand-luggage and nursed the baby, while Marie and Osborn smiled together over the sketches in a humorous weekly. Their money was all spent, and they were really half-relieved to be going back to the flat, where they need not keep up that air of being so very pleased with every detail of a rather strained holiday.

Back they went, disappointed yet half-relieved, to the resounding emptiness of porterless halls, waiterless restaurants, motionless lifts: to the queer disjointed life of fashionable hotels suddenly reduced to the intimacies and make-shift of a Latin Quarter pension. Meanwhile it was strange to watch the gradual paralysis of the city.