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"You are our guest to-day," said Mr. Trenchard to Endymion. "Do not be embarrassed. It is a custom with us, but not a ruinous one. We dine off the joint, but the meat is first-rate, and you may have as much as you like, and our tipple is half-and-half. Perhaps you do not know it. Let me drink to your health."

I will never forget the marks of attachment which you have given; my sensibility is your warrant; I am never half-and-half a friend, and I shall always be wholly so of Brother Voltaire. "Many compliments to Madame Denis. "Madam, my heart is touched more than ever by the goodness and the confidence your Royal Highness deigns to show me. How can I be but melted by emotion!

"Yes, yes, as stiff as I stand here." "No, that will be too much, for it would set me fast. I only like it about half-and-half, as I took it just now." Tom, who was aware that his father would adhere to his agreement, immediately went to his assistance, and throwing out some of the upper bricks, released him from his confinement.

Myself. Take another draughtstout liquorTinker. I can’t, young man, my heart’s too full, and what’s more, the pitcher is empty. Myself. And so he swore you, I suppose, on the Bible, to quit the roads? Tinker. You are right, he did so, the gypsy villain. Myself. Gypsy! Is he a gypsy? Tinker. Not exactly; what they call a half-and-half.

"Why don't you go?" the old one asked politely. "I suppose," said Peter huskily, "I suppose I can still fly?" You see, he had lost faith. "Poor little half-and-half," said Solomon, who was not really hard-hearted, "you will never be able to fly again, not even on windy days. You must live here on the island always." "And never even go to the Kensington Gardens?" Peter asked tragically.

Since we heard that story of feline nativity, whenever we see a minister of religion, on some question of Christian reform, skulking behind a barrier, and crawling away into some half-and-half position on the subject of temperance or oppression, and daring not to speak out, instead of making his pulpit a height from which to hurl the truth against the enemies of God, turning it into a cowardly hiding place, we say, "Another cat in the pulpit."

Bernard de Jussieu and Guettard followed them up by like inquiries upon the marine sea-anemones and corallines; Reaumur, convinced against his will of the entire justice of Peyssonel's views, adopted them, and made him a half-and-half apology in the preface to the next published volume of the "Memoires pour servir l'Histoire des Insectes;" and, from this time forth, Peyssonel's doctrine that corals are the work of animal organisms has been part of the body of established scientific truth.

I should ha' thought you'd seen enough of what sorrow comes o' fighting. Why, them lads o' t' Aurora as they say Kinraid shot down had fathers and mothers, maybe, a looking out for them to come home. 'I don't think he could ha' killed them, said Sylvia; 'he looked so gentle. But Molly did not like this half-and-half view of the case.

These half-and-half people are so sensitive, so exacting in their demands, so hard to please, that we have come to the firm determination that we will have no sliding-scale in our family, and that whoever we are to depend on must come with bona fide willingness to take the position of a servant, such as that position is in our house; and that, I suppose, your protégée would never do, even if she could thereby live easier, have less hard work, better health, and quite as much money as she could earn in any other way."

It was a bold step of Captain Donald's. But he was not a man for half-and-half ways in anything; and he had said grimly to himself that this matter must be ended one way or the other, either he would win the child or lose her. He would know which. Girls had loved men twenty years older than themselves, and girls might again. The Sunday passed off better than his utmost hopes.