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We had tryed out the first and had the other alongside when another whaler made her appearance. As she got within half a mile of us it feel calm. Soon afterwards a boat was lowered from her, which came pulling towards us. When she came alongside a fine, hale-looking old man stepped on board and introduced himself as Captain Barnett, of the Eleanor.

How are you, Farmer Tetlow?" he added to a stout, hale-looking man, with a blooming country woman by his side "brought your pretty young wife to the rush-bearing, I see." "Yeigh, squoire," rejoined the farmer, "an mightily pleased hoo be wi' it, too." "Happy to hear if, Master Tetlow," replied Nicholas, "she'll be better pleased before the day's over, I'll warrant her.

'Stout, hale-looking men, dressed much alike, with great broad tortoise-shell-rimmed spectacles on? asked Jawleyford. 'Just so, replied Sponge. 'Ah, you are right, then, rejoined Jawleyford; 'it would be my lord. 'And who was the other? inquired our friend.

He was still a hale-looking elderly man, and his bodily health appeared as good as ever; but he sat for hours in his easy-chair, looking into the fire, not moving, nor speaking, unless when it was absolutely necessary to answer repeated questions.

We have seen large, hale-looking men forced in time to abandon, although very reluctantly, the use of tobacco in every form; and the most bitter enemy we have ever met to the vile weed as he termed it, was a physician, who had been forced to give up chewing on account of the state of his heart, after years of indulgence.

Instantly, without a sound, the centre-piece vanished, and the three waited unconcernedly while the clink of dishes came from beneath. Old Mrs. Brand was a hale-looking old lady, rosy and wrinkled, with the mantilla head-dress of fifty years ago; but she, too, looked a little depressed this morning.