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"The thing that's troublin' me just now," he said slowly, "is the question of th' two bloomin' 'eathen that faded from h'our h'eyes. H'I 'ates to think they live, an' h'I 'ates to trust my 'opes they're done for. If they're h'alive, they may get the treasure yet, an' h'I 'ates t' be beat by a bloody, bloomin' 'eathen." "They're a long way from home base," said Dave with a grin.

"Is that here at Plymouth?" "H'assuredly, sir. H'and h'only a minute's walk h'over to that shed yonder, sir. H'if you'll come with me, young gentlemen, h'I'll show h'it to you. H'it's one of h'our biggest sights, h'and it's in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen." "That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along.

Far's h'I know, no white man's been there, h'either; leastwise, not in our generation." He studied the charts and made one further observation: "Far's h'I can tell, sir," he smiled, "On-na-tak's h'our only chance. Current sets that way h'at three knots an hour. That means we'll drift there in four or five days. There'll be driftwood on the beach, and, with good luck, we can fix 'er up there.

"Vell, most a h'our, now, I tink, and dem's Kerrigan's horses, as is five year olds an' stronk lak' de devil. Dey run good on de five-mile flat, dey do, sure, an' odder places vhere snow is pack nice." This time Stefan didn't answer. He shouted at his team, that started on the run, but Zeb Foraker's St.

"The first question that arises h'out of h'our lesson to-day," she began quietly, "is this 'ere 'What price Four-Pound-the-Second? Now think afore you answers, there's good little fellers." It was Jerry who held up his hand. The girl pointed at him. "You there, Jerry me boy." "Depends on who rides him, Mrs. Chukkers," he said. There was a deadly silence.

"'Tis h'our drawing-rooms, please, sir; and ef you'll please jest come inter the 'all I'll run and tell missis." Hinton did so; and in another moment the maid, returning, asked him to step this way. This way led him into a dingy little parlor, and face to face with a young woman who, pale, self-possessed, and ladylike, rose to meet him. Hinton felt the color rising to his face at sight of her.

"We'll sew the dead one up in a blanket and throw him overboard; then we'll be going back. Think how all fussed up the Doctor will be." The boy chuckled. "Going back?" Jarvis stared, as if unable to believe his ears. "Going back? And the treasure city within peep of h'our h'eyes. Going back, did y' say? H'I 'ates t' think 'ow rich we'll be, you an' me."

A last fellow in a red night-cap, swarming out on the bowsprit, plumped into the sea. The Gunner leapt on to the bulwark. "Cleared, be God! alow and aloft!" he roared, swinging his chain-shot about his head. "Ats off all! God save h'our gracious King." A bandaged head poked out of the hatchway. "They're swarmin in through the port-holes!" came a husky scream. Old Ding-dong lifted on his elbows.

"Suppose those h'engine he'll h'ron, we'll get in four five h'our h'all right, on Monsieur Edouard, yass," he added. "H'I'll know those channel lak some books."

As the night came on, the two men were forced to move about to keep from freezing. Tip-toeing along, avoiding heavy glass windows, they conversed in low tones. "We've been h'at h'it now goin' h'on twenty-four 'ours," murmured Jarvis. "H'it's two hundred h'an' forty miles, h'an' h'our course u'd be shorter than a reindeer's.