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H'I'll got it h'all those letter here. H'I'll change the coat on the lighthouse, maybe, h'an H'I'll got the coat of Guillaume witt' h'all those letter in her, yass?" And he now handed me the entire packet of letters, which I had supposed left far behind us on the previous day! I took the letters from him, and handed all of them but one to Edouard's old body servant to put in the office mail.

Plenty beeg fight on ahead, too, maybe-so. You'll bust h'up the trade, Jeem. My Sioux, she's scare to come h'on the post h'an' trade. He'll stay h'on the veelage, her." "Every dog to his own yard. Is that all the news?" "Five thousand Mormons, he'll gone by h'aready. H'womans pullin' the han'cart, sacre Enfant! News you'll h'ought to know the news. You'll been h'on the settlement six mont'!"

H'in a room over the gateway of the Bloody Tower there, the Duke of Clarence, h'according to some, drowned himself in a butt of Malmsey wine; and in h'an adjoining room, they say that the little Princes were murdered by h'order of their uncle, the powerful Duke of Gloucester, who stole their right to the throne.

I h'often says to Susan, who h'is a poor h'useless body with a very long tongue, h'and it's h'only the mistress's kindness to keep such h'an h'old pottering body h'on, for she's h'always making an h'ado about nothing. I says, "Susan, the mistress h'is h'almost h'equal to a master," and that's saying a good deal.

The mud's no respecter h'of an H'english gentleman nor h'an American millionaire, don'cher know?" and the pompous Mr. Devonshire handed his hand-grip to Job, while he poked out his shoes for the gray-haired lackey to wipe, with an "'Ere, you, clean these feet, bloomin' quick!" Job and Tony obeyed, but a significant look passed between them.

"I came to report h'an unfortunate condition h'among the servants, sir," said Rawies, stiffening as his responsibility became more and more weighty. He had relaxed temporarily upon entering the room. "What's the trouble?" "The trouble's h'ended, sir." "Then why bother me about it?" "I thought it would be well for you to know, sir. The servants was going to ask for 'igher wiges to-day, sir."

Do you suppose, gentlemen, I would bring you here to sell you a salted mine? You can ask anybody back in the city if my credit isn't first-class." "Oh, mon," said a tall Highlander, "oh, mon, the feller's crazy. Salted humph! We saw the gold with our own eyes. I say take the mine. I'll take a thousand shares at a pound. How much is the deal, did the mon say?" "H'an 'undred thousand pounds.

As the night came on, the two men were forced to move about to keep from freezing. Tip-toeing along, avoiding heavy glass windows, they conversed in low tones. "We've been h'at h'it now goin' h'on twenty-four 'ours," murmured Jarvis. "H'it's two hundred h'an' forty miles, h'an' h'our course u'd be shorter than a reindeer's.