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"Their pieces of brazen ordinance were 1600, and of yron 1000. "The bullets thereto belonging were 120 thousand. "Item of gun-poulder, 5600 quintals. Of matche, 1200 quintals. Of muskets and kaleivers, 7000. Of haleberts and partisans, 10,000. "Moreover they had great store of canons, double-canons, culverings and field-pieces for land services.

A very large and particular description of this Nauie was put in print and published by the Spaniards; wherein were set downe the number, names, and burthens of the shippes, the number of Mariners and souldiers throughout the whole Fleete; likewise the quantitie of their Ordinance, of their armour, of bullets, of match, of gun-poulder, of victuals, and of all their Nauall furniture was in the saide description particularized.

"Their pieces of brazen ordinance were 1600, and of yron a 1000. "The bullets thereto belonging were 120,000. "Item of gun-poulder, 5600 quintals; of matche, 1200 quintals; of muskets and kaleivers, 7000; of haleberts and partisans, 10,000. "Moreover, they had great stores of canons, double-canons, culverings and field-pieces for land services.

"A very large and particular description of this navie was put in print and published by the Spaniards; wherein was set downe the number, names, and burthens of the shippes, the number of mariners and soldiers throughout the whole fleete; likewise the quantitie of their ordinance, of their armour of bullets, of match, of gun-poulder, of victuals, and of all their navall furniture, was in the saide description particularized.

In the first volume of Hakluyt's Voyages, dedicated to Lord Effingham, who commanded against the armada, there is given from the contemporary foreign writer Meteran a more complete and detailed catalogue than has perhaps ever appeared of a similar armament: "A very large and particular description of this navie was put in print and published by the Spaniards, wherein were set downe the number, names, and burthens of the shippes, the number of mariners and soldiers throughout the whole fleete; likewise the quantitie of their ordinance, of their armor, of bullets, of match, of gun-poulder, of victuals, and of all their navall furniture was in the saide description particularized.

All these together with the residue aforenamed were furnished and beautified with trumpets, streamers, banners, warlike ensignes, and other such like ornaments. The bullets thereto belonging were 120. thousand. Item of gun-poulder 5600. quintals. Of matche 1200. quintals. Of muskets and kaleiuers 7000. Of haleberts and partisans 10000.