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The tough old world, with all its tiresome, grimy businesses was thrust out of sight and out of mind, and they seemed to tread a brand-new sphere, created as they would have it, empty of all save their two selfish selves. On such a day, in such surroundings, crosses, hindrances, dangers, what were they? Life was a great joke: Nick Grylls and his minions were blithely whistled down the wind.

All this time I was getting mighty worried myself, why you didn't come back, and I was going to look for you anyway. However, as soon as he was up, Grylls got a big outfit together, and started over the portage with the two breeds. He gave out that he was going up to Ostachegan Creek but I knew! I got a couple of cayuses on credit, and a little grub; and followed him inside three hours.

But she gave Grylls no sign of the weakness within. "I can't make believe to be friendly," she said briefly. "I give it gladly when I can." "Show me what to do to be friends with you," he pleaded, not without eloquence. "I have the time and the money and the determination to do it anything!" But it was impossible Natalie should feel the slightest pity for a creature of so gross an aspect.

"Up the street and to the left a piece," was the reply. "But say " "Well?" said Garth. "The Bishop and his party started up the river two days ago." Garth, turning, saw Nick Grylls listening with an evil grin.

The daylight revealed Garth's face gaunt and sunken; his lips a grim stroke of red; and his eyes contracted to two icy points. As they climbed the hill Rina said: "They got fourteen horse. Nick Grylls bring nine, three yours, and two cayuse 'Erbe't's." At the top she halted them, while she walked her horse back and forth, searching the grass.

But he had no chance to put up a fight; and I couldn't murder him; so at this present moment he's unhurt except his feelings. But Grylls will half kill him in the morning!" "What did you do to him?" she demanded. "I was pretty sure he would be watching the path we have made to the trail," Garth went on. "I figured he would be on my left hand his right; it's the position a man instinctively takes.

Indecision had attacked Garth the night before his responsibility was so great! But Natalie had said, pressing the soft curve out of her lips: "Any means to get ahead! If we have to crawl on hands and knees!" "Any safe means," Garth amended. "Nick Grylls without doubt is counting on our being held up or driven back," she said. "I have an idea he is not far behind us." It was Garth's own idea.

Time turns a bald head to us if we miss our moment to catch him by the forelock." "The Abantes," put in Mr. Grylls, "practised the direct contrary: of whom Homer tells us that they shaved the forepart of their heads, the reason being that their enemies might not grip them by the hair in close fighting. I regret, my dear Sir John, you never warned me that you designed Prosper for a military career.

In crossing, she gave Garth's hand a grateful squeeze; and he returned to his place with a swelling heart, ready for Nick Grylls and any like him. But he would not allow himself to depart from the course he had laid out.

She sized up the man in a darting glance; his swollen bulk promised shortness of breath. He made a move toward her. "What's to prevent me from taking you now?" he muttered. Natalie, turning, fled along the path; running like a bird with incredibly swift, short steps. Nick Grylls plunged after her, passion lending his great bulk lightness and speed.